Final Paper on Case Review 5-7 Pages

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This is a 5-7 page paper not including the title and reference page. This is based on a Law and Ethics Class for professions in Human Services. I ask, if you have any questions please inform me. Any questions contact me. Thanks.

Description: As a human services practitioner, you could be in a position that requires you to review medical records and to be aware of all related federal and state laws and statutes, healthcare mandates, codes of ethics, and credentialing requirements (e.g., the Joint Commission for Accrediting Hospital Organizations [JCAHO], which governs most hospitals). You will be reviewing a case study to determine what legal and ethical issues need to be considered when deciding if it is appropriate to divulge the information requested

Please use scenario below:

Case Study Stephanie is a human-services policy analyst who works with the state-run psychiatric hospital system. Her job is to facilitate discharges of patients to the community by coordinating with local mental-health centers and providers of care to make sure that the patient has adequate and immediate post-discharge care. Stephanie received a call from a parole officer of a 25-year-old Laotian immigrant patient named Kevin, who was in the hospital. The parole officer indicated that Kevin violated parole by abusing illegal substances prior to the admission to the state hospital. The parole officer asked questions about Kevin’s diagnoses, where he was being discharged to, and the staff involved in his care while hospitalized. You have been asked to determine if Stephanie can legally and ethically answer these questions and provide confidential health information about Kevin to the parole officer.

Please answer each question.

Introduction: Codes of Ethics and Legal Considerations in Human Services Practices Review and analyze the codes of ethics and legal considerations within the human services field.

1.) What codes of ethics relate to the release of health information in the human services field? Include your rationale for how you determined which codes apply.

2.) What legal concerns relate to the release of health information? Use citations to substantiate your claims.

3.) What are some of the ramifications for inappropriately releasing confidential information about a patient or client in a hospital setting?

4.) What challenges does a program/agency/hospital experience in relation to the codes of ethics and legal issues?

5.) If a case with health services aspects involved were to go to court, what legal aspects are to be considered? Include other issues that should be considered by agencies or hospitals to ensure compliance when releasing healthcare and other confidential information.

Review of the Case Based on your analysis of the codes of ethics and legal considerations in human services, create strategies to address questions about the case

1.) What information can be released to the parole officer? What information should not be released to the parole officer? Justify your responses.

2.) If information is released that should not be, what are the legal ramifications for the human services policy analyst and her organization? Justify your claims with relevant, scholarly research.

3.) What are the ethical issues that would arise for the policy analyst and her organization due to releasing information that should not be released? Recommend appropriate legal strategies to mitigate identified ethical issues.

4.) . Include other issues that should be considered that are specific to this case scenario and related to compliance with ethics and laws in the human services field. Justify your claims using concrete, relevant examples.

Conclusion After analyzing the codes of ethics and legal considerations, and applying your strategies to the case, compose a conclusion addressing the following:

1.) Overall, what are the key ethical and cultural considerations to be addressed in a hospital setting? Explain why.

2.) What legal components are critical to the analysis of court documents relative to releasing healthcare and other confidential information?

3.) Evaluate additional strategies, such as the prevention of a lawsuit, that a human services agency could incorporate into policies to ensure that critical legal and ethical issues could be mitigated.

4.) What do you recommend human services agencies should address in preparation for developing court documents related to healthcare settings? Use concrete evidence to substantiate claims.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi,Find attached the completed work.Feel free to ask for any clarification or editing if need be.Looking forward to working with you in the future.Thank you.

Running head: CASE REVIEW

Case Review
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title



Human service professionals have a wide variety of jobs that require them to maintain a
code of ethics to their clients. Their job involves the safeguarding and protection of the privacy
of their client’s health information, the disclosure of the health information to the relevant
individuals and ensuring the integrity of the health information. One of the codes of ethics is that
the human service professional is required to defend, advocate and uphold the privacy of their
clients regarding how the disclose their personal health information (Monette, Sullivan &
DeJong, 2013). This means that they are responsible for the safeguarding of the information of
the client on all information types of information including financial, health and personal
information. The health service professional is also responsible for ensuring that they protect the
confidentiality of all the information that they are handling in their profession. When needed to
disclose information, they are only allowed to disclose information that is sufficient to fulfill the
purpose for disclosure. Before disclosing this information, they must also make sure that they
have the consent of the client or any other person that is authorized to give consent on behalf of
the client or the state and federal regulations. The health service professionals are supposed to
respond immediately at the request of their clients regarding the privacy information of the
clients. Another code that the health service professionals are supposed to adhere to is that they
are supposed to put the health and service of their clients before their own needs thus ensuring
that they conduct themselves as is required in their profession so that they can bring honor to
themselves and the health system. This means that health service professionals should not
illegally disclose health information on their patients without the consent of their patients and the
state or federal law. They are also required to report such practices if they come across another
health service professional that is doing an unlawful act. In choosing the codes that apply, I



considered the relevance of the codes to the iss...

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