Write a paper based upon a Psychological Case Study for Major Depressive Disorder

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ABS 200

ashford university


The paper must use the following case study:

Case Study:Clinical Psychology - Major Depressive Disorder

Joe is suffering from severe depression. His father, grandmother, and two uncles suffered with the same condition. One of Joe’s uncles who met the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder committed suicide at the age of 57. Joe’s depression started after he was laid off from work, and became disabling when his wife divorced him, receiving full custody of the kids and their home.

***Having selected this Case Study, the paper needs to explore the topic of Major Depressive Disorder from the clinical psychology perspective and should be sourced as such.

The paper must use scholarly resources, and craft a thesis statement regarding the selected topic and Case Study. The paper must contain at least six peer-reviewed journal articles, published within the past 10 years, which are cited according to APA style. Examples of peer reviewed journals include, but are not limited to, the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Interventions, The Behavior Analyst Today, Journal of Speech-Language Pathology & Applied Behavior Analysis, and Journal of Behavioral Education. Additional scholarly sources (e.g., information from government websites and professional association websites) may be included over and above the required six peer-reviewed journal articles. Popular sources (Wikipedia, Newsweek, New York Times, Psychology Today, About.com, PsychCentral.com, etc.) are not considered peer-reviewed sources.

The paper must be a well-developed eight- to ten-page paper addressing the following criteria for the case study.

·The paper must begin with a well-written introduction that includes a succinct thesis statement.

·The introductory paragraph must include a description of the basic characteristics of science and a definition of applied behavioral science and the area of psychology from which the case study is explored.

·Identify and describe the potential source(s) and/or cause(s) of the issue that is/are relevant to the selected case study (e.g., genetic, environmental, social, cultural, organizational).

·Examine the case study by applying one psychological theory of choice pertinent to applied behavioral science.

·Describe scientific research that is relevant to the case study. Include past and current findings and note any key changes.

·Identify and describe any relevant trends in working with the intended population.

·Detail a suggested plan of action, including advantages and disadvantages, for moving forward.

·Specify what would be done to build rapport with the clients in the selected case study.

·State ethical considerations that are relevant to this case.

·End the paper with a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis and include an examination of the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of utilizing at least one applied behavioral science intervention method to address the concerns in the scenario you selected.

·Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style.

·Must include a separate title page with the following:

oTitle of paper

o(Blank line for name)

o(Blank line for course name and number)

o(Blank line for instructor’s name)


·Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

·Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

·Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis and summarizes supporting evidence.

·Must use at least six peer-reviewed journal articles as sources, including a minimum of four from the Ashford University Library.

·Must document all sources in APA style.

·Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

·Use the following outline for the paper.

I. Introduction - Identify the Case Study and provide a thesis statement regarding what psychological concepts will be discussed (biological, learning, cognitive, psychoanalytic and sociocultural perspectives).

II. Area of Psychology-What is the area of psychology that is identified in the thesis statement? Identify and define this concept and how it works.

III. Case Study - What is occurring within the case study, what is causing the events within the case study from a psychological stand point? What psychological concepts and area of psychology are relevant to explaining the causation and treatment of the topic within the case study? What does this look like in practice (this is the plan of action)?(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychotherapy, EMDR, medication, etc…)

IV. Scientific Research and Relevant Trends- What scientific research is there that supports the ideas for intervention in Section 3? What do we see as trends professionally using these methods (evidence based practice).

IV. Conclusion

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Severe Depression
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Applied behavioral science is about researching people's behavior individually or in
groups through all branches of psychology and applying learning hypotheses and a blend of
development and research to diagnose the problem and decide upon a suitable method of
treatment (Whitley, Kite & Adams, 2012). In clinical psychology, one noteworthy point of focus
is severe depression, as found in Joe's case study. In this situation, Joe is going through
depression that is severe. Severe depression can be as a result of events such as a death in the
family, the loss of one's job or a divorce. Genetics has also been seen as a cause of depression
(Flint & Kendler, 2014). This paper will concentrate on the treatments and symptoms of severe
depression, including critical psychotherapies and trends, and their disadvantages and
advantages, how to set up a decent rapport and the benefits of going ahead with an action plan.

There are numerous things that can lead to severe depression. This state involves
motivational, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms (Whitley, Kite & Adams, 2012).
For Joe's situation, there are both environmental and biological factors that add to his severe state
of depression. First and foremost, Joe's two uncles, father, and grandmother suffered from severe
depression. One of his uncles even killed himself due to the condition. This shows beyond doubt
that hereditary qualities play a key part and are, maybe, the basis from which his depression
started. There is solid proof that symptoms of depression run in families, and this proposes the
conceivable presence of an acquired or hereditary element of depression. All the more is the
proof found in studies about twins. Research on major depression have shown concordance rates
of 20% and 46% respectively for DZ and MZ twins (Flint & Kendler, 2014).



Likewise, there are neurochemical elements connected to this condition. There are some
chemicals in the mind that have an effect on emotional processes and thought, causing a person
to change his or her moods. Mood disorders and depression have been known to be dependably
associated with abnormalities in the levels of certain mind neurotransmitters, and two
neurotransmitters are especially important – norepinephrine and serotonin. In instances of
extreme depression, the two levels are low, for the most part (Whitley, Kite & Adams, 2012).

The environmental issues that play a key part in Joe's situation are his present lifechanging circumstances. The loss of his job, a death in the family, and divorce are the sorts of
insults from the world that put someone in a crisis. Presently, Joe started showing signs of
depression after losing his job. He is not able to help his family at their points of need and is
experiencing a divorce. Additionally, his significant other took the house and children. There is a
high probability of Joe developing extreme depression and is displaying indications of loneliness
due to the absence of help and support from the society, recent upsetting experiences in life,
family history of depression, and conjugal issues. Joe will, in this case, discover methods to
adapt to his situation and loo...

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