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Online Lab 3: Demonstration of Enzyme Activity at Home
Normal cellular metabolism can produce reactive species that have the potential to be harmful to the
cell. These reactive species can alter the shape, structure, and function of key macromolecules that
the cell requires to survive, including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Fortunately, cells also produce
protective enzymes that can detoxify these reactive species. One such protective enzyme is catalase.
Catalase detoxifies the reactive species hydrogen peroxide by converting it into oxygen gas and water.
3% hydrogen peroxide solution from grocery or drug store (also readily available online)
Raw, unpeeled potato at room temperature
Knife and cutting board
Clear glass cups or small canning or spice jars (at least 5, preferably the same size)
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Sharpie or blue tape, for labeling containers
Freezer, such as found in a typical kitchen
Method to cook potato (may be a microwave or kitchen cook top)
Please read before proceeding: 3% hydrogen peroxide is a commonly available solution sold as a
first aid treatment for minor cuts and scrapes and as an oral rinse for minor mouth irritation. Do
not use hydrogen peroxide solution that exceeds 3%. Do not ingest hydrogen peroxide or get it in
your eyes. Read the warning label on the bottle and obey all instructions. Proceed with the follow-
ing section only if safe to do so in your home.
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Section 1. Determine if the Enzyme Catalase Is Present in Potato
1. Use your knowledge of the scientific process and enzyme activity to develop an experiment that
will determine if the enzyme catalase is present in raw potato. Your instructor will inform you
if you should work individually or with an assigned group. You might need to review the earlier
sections of this lab, especially this page.
2. Review and write down your answers to the following:
a. Determine your research question. What do you intend to learn from your experiment?
State your research hypothesis. What should be the answer to your question and what
should the results look like?
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State your research methods. Explain how the experiment will provide answers to your
question. Include the methods of the experiment and provide enough detail so that your
classmates can repeat your experiment.
d. State your predicted results. Describe what you expect to see after your experiments,
will conclude if your hypothesis is correct.
how you
your data, and how
will collect
3. Present the answers to # 2 above to your lab instructor and obtain approval to begin your
4. Begin the experiment. Be sure to document your experiment with photos to include in your report.
40 BIOL 105
Section 2. Determine the Effect of Temperature on the Function of the Enzyme Catalase
1. Based on your results in section 1, predict what would occur if you heat or cool the potato be-
fore performing your experiment. Would you need to alter any procedures or controls in your
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2. Write down the answers to following:
a. Determine your research question. What do you intend to learn from your experiment?
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State your research hypothesis. What should be the answer to your question and what
should the results look like?
State your research methods. Explain how the experiment will provide answers to your
question. Include the methods of the experiment and provide enough detail so that your
classmates can repeat your experiment.
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d. State your predicted results. Describe what you expect to see after your experiments, how
will collect your data, and how you will conclude whether your hypothesis is correct.
A Few Tips for Your Experiments
Diced potatoes often work best for this experiment.
Present your revised experiment to your lab instructor for approval.
Begin the experiment. Be sure to document your experiment with photos to include in your report.
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Even with the help of enzymes, chemical reactions don't happen in large-enough quantities for us
to instantly notice them; therefore, it is wise to wait 5-10 minutes before recording your results.
Make sure you have CONTROLS for your experiment!
Be sure to throw away the potato scraps and rinse all the glassware used for your experiments thor-
oughly with water. Wipe down all surfaces and make sure to cap your hydrogen peroxide solution
tightly when you are not actively using it. odwor
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Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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