Saudi Electronic University Facebook Data Center Specialist Discussion

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Week 2 x 31, 2018. If Facebook continues to employ engineers at the same rate as stated in the video, how many engineers does Facebook have? Test your knowledge Q1: E-commerce is centred on three major trends, which are A: Business, Technology, and Society B: Business, Technology, and Security C: Business, Telecommunications, and Society D: Brands, Technology, and Society ‒‒‒‒‒ O: V Q2: The worldwide network that communicates data by packet switching over the Internet Protocol is referred as Internet. A: Private B: Separate D: Joined C: Public Q3: One of the following is a unique feature of E- commerce technology A: Information asymmetry B: Information poorness C: Information density D: Information scattering More …………. References Laudon, K., & Traver, C. (2018). E-commerce: Business, technology, society. 2018. (14th). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-1-292-25170-7 التقويم المقررات الدراسية StreamWeek 2 Video Case Study Facebook's Data Centers Businesses today run on the Internet, and the Internet runs on data centers. Today, data centers might be more accurately called business centers. Data centers drive nearly every aspect of many businesses, especially ones with a significant online presence like Facebook. But data centers are significant users of expensive electricity to cool their servers, and they make a significant contribution to pollution and global warming. Cloud data center operators are using a variety of new techniques to become more efficient in their use of electricity. Think & Discuss After watching the video think about these questions and write your thoughts about them on the discussion board: 0:-1 1. Why does Facebook's data center specialist argue that "The Internet is not a cloud?" x 2. What are some of the techniques Facebook uses to cool its data centers? More 3. Facebook had over 2.3 billion users as of December 31, 2018. If Facebook continues to employ engineers at the same rate as stated in the video, how many engineers does Facebook have? التقويم 回 المقررات الدراسية StreamContent Introduction II. ● Week 2 Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand why it is important to study e- commerce. 2. Describe the major types of e-commerce. 3. Identify and describe the unique features of e- commerce technology and discuss their business significance. Readings Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Recommended ● 4. Explain the process that should be followed in building an e-commerce presence. 5. Explain the current structure of the Internet. sh=65d0b1b458da E-Commerce Trends 2022: What The Future Holds 4/e-commerce-trends-2022-what-the-future-holds/? Video Case Study More Facebook's Data Centers 0:1 التقويم x 13 المقررات الدراسية Stream
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Discussion E-commerce 101

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Discussion E-commerce 101
Part A: Think and Discuss
1. Why does Facebook’s data center specialist argue that “The Internet is not a
The Facebook data center specialist argues that "The Internet is not a cloud" because the
Internet is a physical infrastructure that is made up of wires, cables, and servers.
2. What are some of the techniques Facebook uses to cool its data centers?
Facebook uses various techniques to cool its data centers, such as using evaporative
coolers and using air handlers to circulate air.
3. Facebook had over 2.3 billion users as of December 31, 2018. If Facebook continues
to employ engineers at the same rate as stated in the v...

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