Strayer Univeristy Foreign Bribery Discussion and Response

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Business Finance

Strayer Univeristy


Please respond to the following  

Part 1) 

Which of the following do you feel is the best approach when dealing with foreign bribery? Why?

Ethical Relativism: There are no universal or international rights and wrongs; it all depends on a particular culture's values and beliefs.

Ethical Absolutism: You follow your own cultural values no matter where you are.

  • Ethical Universalism: There are fundamental principles of right and wrong that transcend cultural boundaries, and MNEs must adhere to these values.

Which of these ethical viewpoints might advocate criminalizing foreign bribery? Do you think that foreign bribery should be criminalized? Justify your response: 

  • Part 2) Respond to classmate's post below: 
  • Hello Professor and class,
    Bribery is considered to be the top ethical problem encountered by international managers.  This involves payments of agents to do things that are inconsistent with the purpose of their position or office in order to gain an unfair advantage. (International Human Resource Management 1).  When dealing with a foreign company and bribery I feel all three approaches need to be taken into account, you must first consider the location, their laws, rules and regulations.  With Ethical Relativism and you are dealing with for example a European company where bribery is not considered criminal, you would have to know and realize this before entering into a business relationship, that this may be a an organization that believes that "Bribery" is not wrong and it is normal.  With Ethical Absolutism, this means that even though you are in an environment that follows ethical  relativism, you, yourself do not have to go along with or follow what you may feel is unethical and stay true to your cultural values and beliefs.  It may cause some issues because you and/or your organization may uphold a certain code of conduct and others may view those same laws very differently.  Lastly "Ethical Universalism" which is really the best approach of the three which states that fundamental principles of right and wrong should be followed and recognized globally, regardless of what nation it is.  But it may again be an issue and some organizations may lose business or create conflict due to their culture, customs and laws.
    I feel ethical universalism could possibly advocate criminalizing foreign bribery because it would inform all MNE's that they are required to uphold a certain code of ethics and conduct and would have to be followed.  They should also have to go through a annual review to make sure that the rules and laws are being followed and if not they will be penalized.
    Dowling P. J., Festing M., & Engle A. (2017).  International Human Resource Management. [Strayer University Bookshelf].  Retrieved from

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Foreign bribery response

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Foreign Bribery response
From your perspective, I can see that managers face bribery, which is an alarming ethical
problem. I concur with you that foreign bribery involves the payment of agents to go against
their office roles to gain unwarranted advantages. I understand from your work that three
perspectives, location, law, rules, and regulations, need to ...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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