Analysis Thoreau and Fischer

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Walden by Henry David Thoreau:

There are two parts here - an NPR (National Public Radio) commentary on Fisher's piece "Consider the Oyster" and then the piece itself :

Consider Thoreau's Walden and the excerpts from Fischer's works. Use these questions to help you set up the analysis:

  1. How does each writer reveal his/her philosophy about food and eating?
  2. What are at least two significant differences you can identify? What do they reveal about common attitudes toward food and the manner in which we consume it?
  3. What assumptions or values do the two writers share? Identify at least two similarities and speculate about what larger point(s) they reveal.

As always, explain your reasoning and provide textual support to fully develop the reading.

This journal entry should be a minimum of 2 pages (4 paragraphs) and a maximum of 4 pages (8 paragraphs) double-spaced.

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Explanation & Answer

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Analysis of Thoreau and Fischer
The writer of the meal is of the philosophy that meals are to be taken after a long day’s
hard work. He begins by saying that not until the ancient man leaves his pastures and vineyards
and not until the day has spread further do they live for their daytime meals. The writer also says
that he dines late out of his own choice. The idea of dining is that the dining room should be well
lit with few guests. In Rome, they eat late, and when a meal is served early, it’s wasted on most
persons before the end of the day. A short day with early meals seems like it has been cut into
two whe...

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