How did Oskar Schindler get away with saving many Jews?
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Was he ever caught by anyone of the Nazi Party?
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MeritocracyExplain how the United States compares to other countries with regards to social mobility rates. Are ther ...
MeritocracyExplain how the United States compares to other countries with regards to social mobility rates. Are there differences between the United States and other countries? Why? Which group in the society has the opportunity for upward social mobility and why? Do you think the United States is truly a meritocracy? Why or why not? Give relevant examples to support your decision. Apply your decision of attending college to the concept of meritocracy.Be sure to support your answer with references to the textbook, appropriate outside resources, and your own personal experiences. Create a response in 3 paragraphs to the discussion question. Cite sources and include references in your response.
SNHU Individual vs Structural Cultural Theories Discussion
Discussion: Individual vs. Structural-Cultural TheoriesTheories help frame more than presenting problems—they also frame ...
SNHU Individual vs Structural Cultural Theories Discussion
Discussion: Individual vs. Structural-Cultural TheoriesTheories help frame more than presenting problems—they also frame social problems, and both types of problems can be linked in relation to client issues. For example, many scholars and social workers have attempted to understand the social problem of poverty. Turner and Lehning (2007) classified various psychological theories to explain poverty under two headings: (1) individual-related theories or (2) structural/cultural-related theories. In other words, think of these two headings as lenses in viewing poverty. In this Discussion, you apply lenses through which to understand a client's problem in relation to social problems.To prepare:Read this article listed in the Learning Resources: Turner, K., & Lehning, A. J. (2007). Psychological theories of poverty. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1/2), 57–72. doi:10.1300/J137v16n01-05Select a theory under the individual-related theories and a theory under the structural/cultural-related theories.Complete the handout “Comparing Individual-Related and Structural/Cultural-Related Theories” to help you craft your response. (Note: You do not need to upload the handout to the Discussion forum. The handout is intended to assist you in writing your Discussion post.)Post:Describe how a social worker would conceptualize a presenting problem of poverty from the two theories you selected.Explain how this conceptualization differs from an individual-related versus a structural/cultural-related theoretical lens.Compare how the two theoretical lenses differ in terms of how the social worker would approach the client and the problem and how the social worker would intervene.
50 multiple choice questions from American Government National Level, history homework help
It has 50 multiple questions, should be answered correctly.
50 multiple choice questions from American Government National Level, history homework help
It has 50 multiple questions, should be answered correctly.
comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan's Three Stages of Sexual Response
Complete the template provided by comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kap ...
comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan's Three Stages of Sexual Response
Complete the template provided by comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan's Three Stages of Sexual Response.Include the following in the chart:A detailed description of the phases in both models of sexual response.The differences and similarities between male and female sexual responses noted in each of the two models.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
9 pages
Estelle Case Study
The patient is a 19-year-old Hispanic woman named Estelle who has come to the Guidance and counseling session after swallo ...
Estelle Case Study
The patient is a 19-year-old Hispanic woman named Estelle who has come to the Guidance and counseling session after swallowing a Drano. During the ...
PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire
Our chapter reading this week focuses on truth. Political misinformation, or lies if you will come fast and furious dur ...
PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire
Our chapter reading this week focuses on truth. Political misinformation, or lies if you will come fast and furious during election time. One way to fight back against this tactic is to know where to find the truth. There is a website that provides this service for us. It it called (Links to an external site.). At this site, the Tampa Bay Times fact checks statements made by politicians and rates those statements using its "Truth-O-Meter." Comments range from True to False and degrees in between. It also gives the "Pants on Fire" award to those statements that are "outrageously false." This is a site everyone can benefit from. answer the following:1. Find one Pants on fire statement and explain why it misrepresents the truth.2. Find one other false statement that is meaningful to you. Explain why being lied to in this case is disturbing.Give full answers to each of these questions.NO COPY AND PASTING NOR USING OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES
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MeritocracyExplain how the United States compares to other countries with regards to social mobility rates. Are ther ...
MeritocracyExplain how the United States compares to other countries with regards to social mobility rates. Are there differences between the United States and other countries? Why? Which group in the society has the opportunity for upward social mobility and why? Do you think the United States is truly a meritocracy? Why or why not? Give relevant examples to support your decision. Apply your decision of attending college to the concept of meritocracy.Be sure to support your answer with references to the textbook, appropriate outside resources, and your own personal experiences. Create a response in 3 paragraphs to the discussion question. Cite sources and include references in your response.
SNHU Individual vs Structural Cultural Theories Discussion
Discussion: Individual vs. Structural-Cultural TheoriesTheories help frame more than presenting problems—they also frame ...
SNHU Individual vs Structural Cultural Theories Discussion
Discussion: Individual vs. Structural-Cultural TheoriesTheories help frame more than presenting problems—they also frame social problems, and both types of problems can be linked in relation to client issues. For example, many scholars and social workers have attempted to understand the social problem of poverty. Turner and Lehning (2007) classified various psychological theories to explain poverty under two headings: (1) individual-related theories or (2) structural/cultural-related theories. In other words, think of these two headings as lenses in viewing poverty. In this Discussion, you apply lenses through which to understand a client's problem in relation to social problems.To prepare:Read this article listed in the Learning Resources: Turner, K., & Lehning, A. J. (2007). Psychological theories of poverty. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1/2), 57–72. doi:10.1300/J137v16n01-05Select a theory under the individual-related theories and a theory under the structural/cultural-related theories.Complete the handout “Comparing Individual-Related and Structural/Cultural-Related Theories” to help you craft your response. (Note: You do not need to upload the handout to the Discussion forum. The handout is intended to assist you in writing your Discussion post.)Post:Describe how a social worker would conceptualize a presenting problem of poverty from the two theories you selected.Explain how this conceptualization differs from an individual-related versus a structural/cultural-related theoretical lens.Compare how the two theoretical lenses differ in terms of how the social worker would approach the client and the problem and how the social worker would intervene.
50 multiple choice questions from American Government National Level, history homework help
It has 50 multiple questions, should be answered correctly.
50 multiple choice questions from American Government National Level, history homework help
It has 50 multiple questions, should be answered correctly.
comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan's Three Stages of Sexual Response
Complete the template provided by comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kap ...
comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan's Three Stages of Sexual Response
Complete the template provided by comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan's Three Stages of Sexual Response.Include the following in the chart:A detailed description of the phases in both models of sexual response.The differences and similarities between male and female sexual responses noted in each of the two models.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
9 pages
Estelle Case Study
The patient is a 19-year-old Hispanic woman named Estelle who has come to the Guidance and counseling session after swallo ...
Estelle Case Study
The patient is a 19-year-old Hispanic woman named Estelle who has come to the Guidance and counseling session after swallowing a Drano. During the ...
PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire
Our chapter reading this week focuses on truth. Political misinformation, or lies if you will come fast and furious dur ...
PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire
Our chapter reading this week focuses on truth. Political misinformation, or lies if you will come fast and furious during election time. One way to fight back against this tactic is to know where to find the truth. There is a website that provides this service for us. It it called (Links to an external site.). At this site, the Tampa Bay Times fact checks statements made by politicians and rates those statements using its "Truth-O-Meter." Comments range from True to False and degrees in between. It also gives the "Pants on Fire" award to those statements that are "outrageously false." This is a site everyone can benefit from. answer the following:1. Find one Pants on fire statement and explain why it misrepresents the truth.2. Find one other false statement that is meaningful to you. Explain why being lied to in this case is disturbing.Give full answers to each of these questions.NO COPY AND PASTING NOR USING OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES
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