American Military University System Architecture Case Study

User Generated


Computer Science

American Military University


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a draft SDD (System Design Document) and architecture for the Case Study. Our SDD will not contain all normally expected content especially detailed logic due to time constraints.

Assignment Directions

Review original case study--this system is the FCS, Family Clinic Services, to help patients schedule their own appointments with the doctors in the clinic. Review the case study before starting.

1. Download the SDD Template 2021.docx and rename it Week4AssignmentSystemArchitectureLastnameFirstname replacing the name with your name.

2. Use the specifications you have already created, your Case Study, and instructions in the SDD to complete all parts of the following sections:

Section 1. Introduction

Section 2. Purpose including

2. Purpose,

2.1 Document Conventions

2.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

2.3 Product Scope

2.4 References

Section 3. System Overview including

3. System Overview

3.1 Goals, Functionality, and Architecture

3.2 Design Constraints

3. Using ( complete an architecture diagram for your Case Study and all parts of Section 4. Architecture including:

Section 4. Sysem Architecture

Section 4.1 Architectural Design (architecture diagram)

Section 4.2 Subsystem Decomposition

Section 4.3 Access Control and Security

Section 4.4 Design Rationale

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Vision Document Draft for Family Clinic Services Version 1.1 approved Prepared by . Vision Document Page ii Contents 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations ...................................................................................... 5 References ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Positioning ................................................................................................................................7 2.1 2.2 2.3 Business Opportunity .................................................................................................................... 7 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................ 7 Product Position Statement ........................................................................................................... 8 3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions ........................................................................................9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Market demographics.................................................................................................................... 9 Stakeholder summary.................................................................................................................. 10 User summary ............................................................................................................................. 11 User environment ........................................................................................................................ 12 Stakeholder profiles .................................................................................................................... 12 User profiles ................................................................................................................................ 13 Key stakeholder or user needs: ................................................................................................... 14 Alternatives and competition ...................................................................................................... 15 4. Product overview ...................................................................................................................16 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Product perspective ..................................................................................................................... 16 Summary of capabilities.............................................................................................................. 16 Assumptions and dependencies .................................................................................................. 17 Cost and pricing .......................................................................................................................... 17 Licensing and installation ........................................................................................................... 18 5. Product features .....................................................................................................................19 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Feature 1 – Patients Dashboard................................................................................................... 19 Feature 2 – Doctor’s Segment ..................................................................................................... 19 Feature 3 – Receptionist Dashboard. .......................................................................................... 19 Feature 4 – Administrator Dashboard ......................................................................................... 20 Feature 5 – Staff Dashboard........................................................................................................ 20 6. Constraints..............................................................................................................................20 7. Quality ranges ........................................................................................................................21 8. Precedence and priority ........................................................................................................21 9: Other product requirements...................................................................................................22 9.2 System requirements ........................................................................................................................ 22 9.3 Performance requirements ............................................................................................................... 23 10 Documentation Requirements ...............................................................................................24 10.1 Release notes, read me file ............................................................................................................. 24 10.2 Online help ..................................................................................................................................... 24 10.3 Installation guides: ......................................................................................................................... 24 10.4 Labeling and packaging ................................................................................................................. 25 11 Appendix 1 - Feature attributes.............................................................................................26 11.1 Status .............................................................................................................................................. 26 11.2 Benefit ............................................................................................................................................ 26 11.3 Effort .............................................................................................................................................. 27 11.4 Risk ................................................................................................................................................ 27 11.5 Stability .......................................................................................................................................... 28 11.6 Target release ................................................................................................................................. 28 11.7 Assigned to..................................................................................................................................... 28 11.8 Reason ............................................................................................................................................ 28 Vision Document Page iii Revision History Name Date Reason for Changes Version James Smith 07/15/2022 Structuring the draft of the document 1.0 Mary Kelly 08/01/2022 Approving the draft 1.1 Victory Ubogu 08/04/2022 Writing the actual document 1.2 Vision Document Page 4 1. Introduction This document provides clear statement of problem domain and the system needed for the Family Clinic Services (FCS). FCS is intending to come up with web-based appointment system that would schedules patients appointment. 1.1 Purpose The purposes of this vision statement is to make it clear on the problem FCS is solving and the insights on what the system would entail. It will help in the planning and design of the system using the software development lifecycle. The appointment scheduling software will help to schedule doctors to patients and ensure efficient provision of services. 1.2 Scope FCS is concentrating on the project of building a web-based application. It will entail the information system infrastructure such as a web server. The business process involved is that of scheduling patients with doctors. Other entities within the scope includes service-providers, receptionists, and administrators. Vision Document Page 5 1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations Web application – it is a software system that is hosted over the web Web server – it is the machine that hosts the web application. FCS – it is the abbreviation of the Family Clinic Services HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology at the U.S. Department of Commerce. 1.4 References The document refers to the framework designed by IBM. Under the Engineering Lifecycle Management of IBM, there are various outlined framework for coming up with a vision document. IBM. (2022). Vision document. Appendix section provides more references. Vision Document Page 6 1.5 Overview This vision document outlines how the FCS would achieve in its operations by the introduction of the new web application system. The web application will facilitate the easy management of the schedules of the doctors to the patient. The vision statement document describes about the problem domain for which the system is solving. It also describes the users and their responsibilities in accessing and using the system. The vision statement will help to actualize the system and facilitate in the development process. Vision Document Page 7 2. Positioning 2.1 Business Opportunity The business opportunity that is observed in FCS is that of coming up with a system that will help the users in the organization to access and process services online. Patients can book appointments online while doctors can pick appointments based on schedule. The administrators can manage the users and reschedule appointments on demand. The receptionists can follow up and assist the patients that need help with using the system or booking appointments. The records will be registered online and automatically used to retrieve patients’ data and schedules. It will help to reach more patients online and improve on efficiency by reducing waiting time and lag. 2.2 Problem Statement The current way of doing things in FCS is not efficient enough. There are a lot of lags and wasted time when processing activities and scheduling patients to the necessary doctors. Such problems create huge waiting time. There is also a slow retrieval of information and synchronized scheduling of appointments by the doctors and other users. Lack of the appropriate digital storage of data makes provision of healthcare to patients not efficient enough. Vision Document Page 8 2.3 Product Position Statement The product is intended for the patients, who need to book appointment to the doctors. The appointment 3 scheduling system is a web-system that will benefit by reducing the incomplete schedules, reduce patients waiting time, and time used by receptionists in entering schedules for providers. Unlike the traditional system of pen and paper with unstructured record management, our product will have proper organization and management of records. Vision Document Page 9 3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions The system users are; patients, doctors, receptionists, and administrators. The problem that receptionists have is feeding and organizing data for patients and scheduling them. It takes time and waste a lot of required service time. The doctors also have the problem of managing schedules for the patients. The patients also have no way of tracking their schedules and accessing services on convenience. 3.1 Market demographics The market motivates the decision of coming up with this application. Currently, the world is going digital and services are offered online. Through the growth of internet, people are demanding for systems that can provide flexible access of the services. Web technologies have facilitated such a growth. This system will leverage on such an approach to help doctors and patients organize schedules online and get proper management of data and services. Through the use of the system, it is anticipated that approximately 1500 patients are served by the doctors per year. When operations are efficient, the number can double to 1500 as service time is reduced substantially. FCS is known for offering efficient services but lacks the Vision Document Page 10 automated systems for flexible scheduling. When the web system is introduced, customer satisfaction would increase and the reputation of the health care organization will increase. The system will achieve the goal of providing efficient and fast healthcare service. 3.2 Stakeholder summary Name Represents Role Fred Jim Doctors head Provides the role of defining doctors’ requirement to be included in the system Mary Receptionist Faith Jean Provides the role of defining receptionists’ requirement to be included in the system IT Marcellus Provides the guidance of the IT infrastructure existing and what is required. Works with the developers in coming up with requirements. Brian Administrators Provide guidance on how to inforce Jones James Tonny administrative functions Executive A representative of directors and executives who guide in approving the system Vision Document Page 11 3.3 User summary Name Description stakeholder Patient They can register and request for customers scheduled appointments Doctors & They are required to login, Service update information, schedule or providers block out certain hours. They can Service providers view appointments and cancel appointments. Receptionists Can Provides the role of defining System operator doctors’ requirement to be included in the system. They can manage these users Administrators Can create patient, doctors Administrators account. They can activate or deactivate and update information Staff Can view schedules of the various System operator users Vision Document Page 12 3.4 User environment The system is expected to handle more than 1500 patients per year. The doctors and receptionists are enough to make use of the system in scheduling appointments. It is expected for the tasks to process 90% of the queries in a fraction of a second. At least 75 users should be connected to the system simultaneously without lag or delay. The organization has already connected computers. The constraint is that there is not yet enough knowledge to operate and develop such application in the organization. The traditional system of pen and paper is being used. There is the MS Access, and Excel which are used in storing data. The organization also has problems with the management of records. The doctors have no way of tracking schedules while being away from the organization. 3.5 Stakeholder profiles Representativ Description Responsibilities Success criteria Involvement Deliverables Developer Web app guru, The web The person would be Achieved the required in web application work involved in web application development as expected structuring the web development e James implementation Frider Casual user Testing the Acceptance of the User acceptance The application application system testing of the system system that is is performed easy to use and meets the expectation of Vision Document Page 13 the receptionists. David Business Quantifying the Cost effective Provide the estimates Coming up with expert budget and system on the financial an appropriate business return recommendation involvement of the budget for system meeting the on investment system impementaiton 3.6 User profiles Representativ Description Responsibilities Success criteria Involvement Deliverables Doctor Provides A The person would be Achieved the services to the recommendation involved in web application scheduled of how to the web structuring the web development customers application will implementation e Steve meet the expected results Oiver - Receptionist Provide A Involvement with the The system representativ s information on recommendation doctors and should help in es of the what is needed of how to the web administrators facilitating easy receptionist for the application will feed of data for reception of meet the the patients patient’s expected results Godon – Patients Provide Patients accept The patient will Easy to use Representativ representati recommendatio the structure of involve with the interface and e of the ve ns on how the system. doctors and meets patients patients can receptionists as the needs. view their developers gather patients records online Vision Document Page 14 information on how the system would be 3.7 Key stakeholder or user needs: The problems experienced include; a) Huge time taken by the receptionist in scheduling clients. The process is manual and involve keeping records. Usually writing down the information takes time. The solution to this now is just an Excel file that keeps track of such information. Stakeholders want an automatic systems to manage such records. b) Longer time for the patients waiting for service – it is due to the manual processes and physical need of being there. Currently it is solved by persons dedicated to such an activity. Stakeholders want an automatic systems to manage such records. c) Doctors find it complex to manage appointments – there is clustering of information which the doctors cannot manage effectively. The doctors manage by keeping calendars and diaries. Stakeholders want an automatic systems to manage such records. Vision Document Page 15 3.8 Alternatives and competition An alternative is building a customized web application for schedule management. It is a recommended approach because it will take into concern all the requirements of the users in this particular organization. Fractional Healthcare Center is one of the competitor. The strength of the competitor is that they have already a software for managing schedules. The weakness of the competitor is that they do not have a customized system which make it difficult to operate on the specific needs. Vision Document Page 16 4. Product overview 4.1 Product perspective The software is independent of the other information system. it is designed to take all the records afresh concerning the doctors and the patients. It also needs to keep roles of the receptionists and service providers. Hence, there would be a complete replacement of the existing approach in management of appointment schedules. It is completely self-contained and independent – it needs no connection with other software systems. 4.2 Summary of capabilities Customer benefit Supporting features Tracking of schedules with doctors. Regulated access to the data. Request for appointments online Removed confusion and clustered record keeping Faster service delivery Reduce data entry time for the receptionists Easy self service support and therefore Improve scheduling of the reduced customer service cost. doctors and service providers Vision Document Customer benefit Page 17 Supporting features Table 2. Benefits and features example 4.3 Assumptions and dependencies It is assumed that most computers are running on Windows 10. There should be a Linux based system in the IT department which will host the web services. It is assumed that the existing personnel in the IT department have the knowledge of managing the web server. 4.4 Cost and pricing Item cost Training $10,000 Development $30,000 Distribution cost $1,000 Manuals $800 Web hosting $2,000 Hardware $5,000 Total $48,800 Vision Document Page 18 4.5 Licensing and installation License code is required every time the application is installed. There is also the need for licensing of the web applications needed in hosting the web services for the scheduling appointment system. Licensing for the Antivirus and intrusion detection systems is also needed to ensure proper security. Vision Document Page 19 5. Product features 5.1 Feature 1 – Patients Dashboard This feature provides information on the patients who can follow up on their appointments to the doctors. They can request appointment and edit their information. 5.2 Feature 2 – Doctor’s Segment The doctor segment includes the dashboard that shows schedule of the various appointments. They should appear automatically with the set calendar that they can refer to whenever needed to schedule the doctor. They can also search the patients by name or other means. They can cancel schedules 5.3 Feature 3 – Receptionist Dashboard. Here the receptionist can feed patient data. They can also record on appointments that the patient can assigned to a doctor. Vision Document Page 20 5.4 Feature 4 – Administrator Dashboard The administrator facilitates an easy organizing of the data. They can add accounts for doctors and patients. They can also activate and deactivate. They should control the system 5.5 Feature 5 – Staff Dashboard. The staff should view the patient, service provider, doctor and other relevant information. 6. Constraints Regulatory requirements based on HIPAA would apply to that system. It is required that proper security procedures should be implemented to ensure privacy of the information stored in the system concerning the patients. NIST framework shall be used to set regulatory conditions for ensuring such a safe environment. The design constraints affect the load balancing need for ensuring that the service delivery is achieved in an efficient manner. There is no such resources to implement load balancing and recovery site for the system at the current moment. Vision Document Page 21 7. Quality ranges The product needs to provide at least 75 users simultaneous access with little delays. 90% of the transactions should be processed within a second. There should be a support of more than 1500 patients and other personnel within a year. Hence, it should be scalable enough to provide robust and efficient performance. It should provide atomicity of transaction in the effort of reducing faults. Provision of help sections should be done on the software to provide help for the users of the system. 8. Precedence and priority The following the sequence of the priority of the various features; 1. Doctor Dashboard 2. Receptionist Dashboard 3. Patient Dashboard 4. Administrator 5. Staff Vision Document Page 22 9: Other product requirements The product must comply to; a) HIPAA – it requires the data in the system to be kept safe and the privacy adhered to. b) TCP/IP - it is the standard that would be used in communication in the mobile connection to the web application. c) Linux – it shall be the standard for supporting the web application server. The rest of the system shall use the Windows standards for easy of use d) ISO – all the procedures of development and implementation shall follow ISO to ensure compliance to implementation requirements and minimal procedures for securing the system. 9.2 System requirements Linux Ubuntu – shall be used in web server and the network systems Windows 10 – shall be used in host workstations Two routers – they will be used for the network. One router as a gateway and the other for organizing internal connections. Vision Document Page 23 9.3 Performance requirements The performance of the system should be good enough to support easy operations. It is required that 90% of the transactions should be processed within a second. There should be a support of more than 1500 patients and other personnel within a year. Hence, it should be scalable enough to provide robust and efficient performance. It should provide atomicity of transaction in the effort of reducing faults. Provision of help sections should be done on the software to provide help for the users of the system. It needs to provide at least 75 users simultaneous access with little delays. 9.4 Environmental requirements Any browser should be able to access the software. The system needs online presence and access via any hardware system that has Windows or Linux operating system. Vision Document Page 24 10 Documentation Requirements 10.1 Release notes, read me file There will be read me files that would be used to describe how the various parts of the software work. Each segment of the software will have a description of the upgrade release, a short description of what the software achieves. It also will include the directions of maintenance of the system. 10.2 Online help The system will include a special page where users can access and follow procedures on how to use the web application. 10.3 Installation guides: Installation would be done by uploading the software files into the Apache web server. Then IP address will be mapped to a domain for an online access. Vision Document Page 25 10.4 Labeling and packaging There will be copyright information on the web pages of the system. The logo of the health center shall be included in the website. Also, there will be copyright information in the code itself. Vision Document Page 26 11 Appendix 1 - Feature attributes 11.1 Status Status Description Proposed Staff dashboard is not yet approved by official channel. Approved Doctors Dashboard, Receptionist Incorporated Staff system Table 3. Status value examples 11.2 Benefit Priority Description Critical Doctor dashboard. Failure of getting schedule can result to missed appointments Important Receptionist dashboard and Patients. They are important to meet the scheduling process Vision Document Page 27 Priority Description Useful Staff and administrators are useful in providing easy tracking and management of the users. Table 4. Benefit priority examples 11.3 Effort There is need of enough time to develop the system. There should be the enough time to test the stability, usability and effectiveness of the system before deployment in the actual environment. 11.4 Risk When implementing the system, there can be the risk of the system exceeding the expected cost or budget. The installed hardware to host the web application may need more than expected attendance. There can also be unknown security risks which can violate the compliance, policies and standads. Vision Document Page 28 11.5 Stability In case of more data being needed, there can be the requirement for scalability. The system should come up with higher capacity features so that it can perform well when the number of users increase over time. The system should be stable. 11.6 Target release The earlier intended version is on September 15, 2022. The second version is on October 1, 2022. 11.7 Assigned to The software development is assigned to the project manager who manages the system analyst. The system analyst also manages the developers who map the requirements to the desired code. 11.8 Reason This section tracks the references and sources used in section 1.4. The source was necessary in providing the framework for developing the business standard of coming up with a vision document. Further is needed in Vision Document the implementation of the NIST framework in achieving the security standards for supporting the system. Page 29 Vision Document Draft for Version 1.0 approved Prepared by . Vision Document Page ii Contents 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations ...................................................................................... 4 References ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Positioning ................................................................................................................................6 2.1 2.2 2.3 Business Opportunity .................................................................................................................... 6 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................ 6 Product Position Statement ........................................................................................................... 6 3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions ........................................................................................7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Market demographics.................................................................................................................... 7 Stakeholder summary.................................................................................................................... 7 User summary ............................................................................................................................... 8 User environment .......................................................................................................................... 8 Stakeholder profiles ...................................................................................................................... 8 User profiles .................................................................................................................................. 9 Key stakeholder or user needs: ................................................................................................... 10 Alternatives and competition ...................................................................................................... 10 4. Product overview ...................................................................................................................11 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Product perspective ..................................................................................................................... 11 Summary of capabilities.............................................................................................................. 11 Assumptions and dependencies .................................................................................................. 12 Cost and pricing .......................................................................................................................... 12 Licensing and installation ........................................................................................................... 12 5. Product features .....................................................................................................................13 5.1 5.2 Feature 1...................................................................................................................................... 13 Feature 2...................................................................................................................................... 13 6. Constraints..............................................................................................................................14 7. Quality ranges ........................................................................................................................15 8. Precedence and priority ........................................................................................................16 9: Other product requirements...................................................................................................17 9.2 System requirements ........................................................................................................................ 17 9.3 Performance requirements ............................................................................................................... 17 10 Documentation Requirements ...............................................................................................19 10.1 Release notes, read me file ............................................................................................................. 19 10.2 Online help ..................................................................................................................................... 19 10.3 Installation guides: ......................................................................................................................... 19 10.4 Labeling and packaging ................................................................................................................. 20 11 Appendix 1 - Feature attributes.............................................................................................21 11.1 Status .............................................................................................................................................. 21 11.2 Benefit ............................................................................................................................................ 21 11.3 Effort .............................................................................................................................................. 22 11.4 Risk ................................................................................................................................................ 22 11.5 Stability .......................................................................................................................................... 23 11.6 Target release ................................................................................................................................. 23 11.7 Assigned to..................................................................................................................................... 23 11.8 Reason ............................................................................................................................................ 24 Vision Document Page iii Revision History Name Date Reason for Changes Your name MM DD, 202x Include reason Version Vision Document Page 4 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose < State the purpose of this vision document. Remove these directions after completing the section.> 1.2 Scope < Briefly describe the scope of this vision document, including which programs, projects, applications, and business processes the document is associated with. Include anything else that this document affects or influences. Remove these directions after completing the section.> 1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations < Define all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations that are required to interpret the vision correctly. This information might be provided by reference to the project glossary, which can be developed online in the repository. Remove these directions after completing the section.> 1.4 References < List all documents that the vision document refers to. Identify each document by title, report number (if applicable), date, and publishing Vision Document Page 5 organization. Specify the sources from which readers can obtain the references; the sources are ideally available in RM or in other online repositories. This information might be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document. Remove these directions after completing the section.> 1.5 Overview Vision Document Page 6 2 2. Positioning 2.1 Business Opportunity 2.2 Problem Statement Summarize the problem that this project solves. Use the following statements as a model, providing project details to replace the parenthetical elements: The problem of (describe the problem) affects (the stakeholders affected by the problem). The impact of the problem is (what is the impact of the problem). A successful solution would include (list some key benefits of a successful solution). Remove these directions after completing the section.> 2.3 Product Position Statement < Provide an overall statement that summarizes at the highest level the unique position the product intends to take in the marketplace. Use the following statements as a model, providing project details to replace the parenthetical elements: For the (target customer), who (statement of the need or opportunity). The (product name) is a (product category) that (statement of key benefit, that is, the compelling reason to buy). Unlike (primary competitive alternative), our product (statement of primary differentiation). A product position statement communicates the intent of the application and the importance of the project to all concerned stakeholders. Remove these directions after completing the section.> Vision Document Page 7 3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions 3.1 Market demographics 3.2 Stakeholder summary Vision Document Page 8 3.3 User summary 3.4 User environment 3.5 Stakeholder profiles Vision Document Page 10 3.7 Key stakeholder or user needs: 3.8 Alternatives and competition 4.2 Summary of capabilities 4.3 Assumptions and dependencies 4.4 Cost and pricing 4.5 Licensing and installation Vision Document Page 13 5. Product features 5.1 Feature 1. 5.2 Feature 2. (add additional features as needed) Vision Document Page 14 6. Constraints Vision Document Page 15 7. Quality ranges Vision Document 8. Precedence and priority Page 16 Vision Document Page 17 9: Other product requirements 9.2 System requirements 9.3 Performance requirements Detail performance requirements. Performance issues can include such items as user-load factors, bandwidth or communication capacity, throughput, accuracy, reliability, or response times under various load conditions. Remove these directions after completing the section.> 9.4 Environmental requirements Vision Document Page 19 10 Documentation Requirements 10.1 Release notes, read me file 10.2 Online help 10.3 Installation guides: Vision Document Page 20 10.4 Labeling and packaging Vision Document Page 21 11 Appendix 1 - Feature attributes 11.1 Status 11.2 Benefit 11.3 Effort 11.4 Risk 11.6 Target release 11.7 Assigned to Vision Document Page 24 11.8 Reason Family Clinic Services (FCS) Appointment Scheduling System Case Study Table of Contents 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Users of the System .................................................................................................................... 1 Patients ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Doctors and Service Providers ............................................................................................... 2 New Doctors or Service Providers ....................................................................................... 2 Receptionist....................................................................................................................................... 3 Administrators ................................................................................................................................. 3 Staff ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 3. System Requirements ................................................................................................................ 3 Appointments and Appointment Type ............................................................................... 3 Agendas ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Schedule .............................................................................................................................................. 4 4. Other Requirements.................................................................................................................... 5 System Access ................................................................................................................................. 5 Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................... 5 Security Requirements ............................................................................................................... 5 Hardware/Software ..................................................................................................................... 5 Database.............................................................................................................................................. 5 User Interface .................................................................................................................................. 6 5. System Development and Implementation .................................................................. 6 Development Staff ......................................................................................................................... 6 Development Platform ................................................................................................................ 6 Development Methodology ....................................................................................................... 6 iii 1 1. Introduction 2 3 4 5 6 7 Family Clinic Services (FCS) plans to implement a web-based appointment scheduling system to help reduce the time that patients have to wait, reduce incomplete schedules for doctors and service providers, and reduce the amount of time receptionists are required to enter schedules for patients, doctors, and service-providers. Doctors and other service providers see approximately 1500 patients per year. 8 9 10 11 12 Currently the appointment process is managed by receptionists and a requires a significant account of time. Unfortunately, patients also wait 20 to 30 minutes after their scheduled appointment time. This new system should be able to reduce wait time for patients, improve doctor and serviceproviders schedules, and reduce the scheduling workload for receptionists. 13 14 15 16 17 This new system will enable patients, doctors, service-providers, receptionist, and administrators to schedule and maintain appointments with web technology that is available. It is anticipated that there will be separate interfaces for the patient, the doctor and other service providers, as well as administrators and receptionists. 18 19 Detailed requirements must be developed, and additional requirements or activities may be identified as details are identified. 20 2. Users of the System 21 22 There are several categories of users including patients, doctors, service providers, receptionists, administrators, and other staff. 23 24 Patients 25 New Patients 26 Patients will be required to create an account to schedule appointments. 27 28 29 30 31 32 New patients would need to complete a form as they currently do to enter their personal information. Patient information that will be required include their id (assigned by the system), name, address, home phone number, work phone, cell phone, email address, Social Security identification number, Medicare card number, insurance information, username, password, emergency contact and other detailed information. 33 34 After their account is set up, these patients will be able to log into the patient interface using a username and password, view their schedule and Patients will be able to complete several activities with the new system. 1 35 36 personal information, update their personal information as necessary, modify their appointments as necessary, and cancel their appointments. 37 38 Patients can cancel their own appointment, but it does require 24-hour advance notice. Otherwise a penalty will be charged. 39 Returning Patients 40 41 42 43 44 Returning patients must be able to log into the patient interface using a username and password, update their personal information as necessary, schedule an appointment, modify their appointments as necessary, and cancel their appointments. Patients can schedule their own appointments via the Internet. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Doctors and Service Providers 53 54 Doctors can cancel a patient’s appointment in the case of an emergency. The system will send a patient notice via email. 55 56 57 Doctors or service-providers use an agenda to manage appointments. An agenda has many calendar days and is made up of many time slots of equal length. 58 59 If doctors or service-providers leave the service, administrators must close the doctor’s account and reschedule any outstanding appointments. 60 Doctors and service-providers can cancel within a 48-hour time. 61 62 63 Doctors or service-providers must be able to delete their accounts. if they leave the clinic the administrator will also have to reassign the appointments to another doctor. 64 65 66 67 68 69 New Doctors or Service Providers Doctors, licensed personnel who treat patients, and other licensed serviceproviders will have an interface whereby they can log in using their username and password, update their personal information, schedule and block out hours like for lunch or meetings, print and email their schedules, and view it on their screen. Their schedule will also contain information about their patients. Doctors can view appointments to an identify all the appointments that have been scheduled for a specific day or week. New doctors will complete a form to enter their personal information and such as their name, address, telephone number, social security number, area of expertise, and other detailed information. Once they have an account, they will have access to the same features that other doctors or service-providers have. 2 70 71 72 73 Receptionist 74 75 76 77 78 Administrators 79 80 81 Staff 82 83 Receptionists will be able to create, view, update, or delete appointments for patients, doctors, or service providers. They will also be able to manage patient, doctor, or service-provider schedules. Administrators will be able to create doctor/service-providers or patient accounts; activate or deactivate a doctor/service provider account; schedule, cancel appointments; add appointment types for each department; and update doctor or service-providers information. Other staff members can view the schedule and patient, doctor, or serviceprovider information. 3. System Requirements 84 85 86 87 The following sections describe the basic requirements of the proposed new web-based system. Additional requirements are in other parts of this document. This system is mainly focused on creating, viewing, updating, and deleting data for users of this appointment scheduling system. 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Appointments and Appointment Type 102 103 104 105 106 To make an appointment a patient must be logged in, can choose a doctor/service provider and see their agenda, browse the calendar, choose the appointment data and time, selects the appointment type, adds a description, and submits the request. The system will either approve the request and display the results or the system will prompt the user to make Appointments have a unique ID, start time, description, and associated doctor or other service provider. Different types of appointments will be made available such as for regular checkup, blood test, operation, medical massage, x-rays, transfusions, or other tests or procedures. Each of these appointment types will have a type, description, estimated duration, a sequence number, start time, and status. Some will take 15 minutes, or an hour and others will take up to three hours. Each type of appointment will be with a different doctor or service provider. Once a patient chooses the type of appointment that they want they will then be able to choose a date and time for their appointment. Time slots will depend on the time that is needed for the appointment type that was chosen and the availability of the doctor or service-provider that handles that type of appointment. Appointments are assigned to one or more Rooms. Rooms have numbers. 3 107 108 another selection. If the appointment is approved, the system will update the doctor/service-providers schedule. 109 110 111 112 113 114 Agendas 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Schedule Agendas for doctors and service-providers include the date, weekday and status. Agendas also provide access to time slots which include the start time, end time, and status, as well as names of patients and service providers. When patients make an appointment, the appropriate time slot is modified. The schedule includes the timetable and is an organized list usually set out in a tabular date and provider form providing information about arranged events. The system must be able to manage (create, view, update, or delete the schedule and its data) for all users. User must also have access to alphabetical list of patients, doctors, and other service-providers. An easy to use the calendar must also be available on the schedule interface. 4 122 123 4. Other Requirements The following are additional requirements of the system. 124 125 126 127 System Access 128 129 130 Performance Requirements 131 132 The system must be able to process 90% of queries within a fraction of a second. 133 134 135 136 Security Requirements 137 138 139 Hardware/Software 140 141 142 143 it is anticipated that any web browser could be used and any computer with Internet access could be used by all types of people who will access the system. Servers will be required to store the scheduling data and backups. It seems that no major site adaptations are required. 144 145 146 147 The system must be online and accessible for Windows, Linux/Unit, or Macintosh systems with a GUI interface through browsers. It must be interoperable with other systems that users are like to need like Adobe Acrobat. 148 149 150 151 152 Database 153 154 The database should be normalized for space usage efficiency and response time of less than three seconds. 155 156 The database must handle a maximum of 2500 users. Any invalid data must be recovered with messages back to the user. The system shall be available Preconditions include that the system must be online, all accounts must exist, and users must log in with. Authentication and authorization procedures must be used The system must be able to service multiple terminal connections simultaneously with at least 75 internet users connected without delay. User authentication and authorization is required. Users can only change their own schedules. Personal information must not be revealed due to privacy regulations like HIPAA. It is anticipated that no special hardware would be required; however, a database management system will be required. Database requirements include information collected for doctor, patient, agenda, service-provider, appointment, appointment type, and time slots. One day for example might consist of many different time slots perhaps spaced 15 minutes apart. 5 157 158 7 days a week for 24 hours each day. A backup plan must be implements with disaster recovery included. 159 160 161 162 163 164 User Interface 165 The system interface must be user friendly and conform to consistent and standardized colors and fonts. Help links must be provided. Online documentation must be available and accessible on all pages. The system must meet accessibility standards. Several user interfaces must be available for all user. 5. System Development and Implementation 166 167 168 At this time decisions regarding development staff, the development platform, and development methodology have been made. 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Development Staff 176 177 178 179 180 Development Platform 181 182 183 184 Development Methodology The existing development staff will design the system although they do not have experience with this type of automated system. They do not have experience with Database Management Systems (DBMSs) either. The project is large, but they are familiar with the manual scheduling system. Experienced consultants may be hired, as necessary. The development staff do have experience with web site development. Appropriate development, testing, and deployment platforms must be created. The platforms must provide the operating system, database, web server, HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and other appropriate software. This system will be developed following an iterative SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) using both Structured Analysis and Design as well as Object-Oriented modeling techniques. 6
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System Design Specification

Family Clinic Services
Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by

Draft System Design Document for

Page ii

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
2. Purpose......................................................................................................................................1

Document Conventions ................................................................................................................. 1
Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ............................................................................... 1
Product Scope ............................................................................................................................... 1
References ....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. System Overview ......................................................................................................................2

Goals, Functionality and Architecture .......................................................................................... 2
Design Constraints ........................................................................................................................ 2

4. System Architecture.................................................................................................................2

Architectural Design ..................................................................................................................... 3
Subsystem Decomposition ............................................................................................................ 3
Access Control and Security ......................................................................................................... 3
Design Rationale ........................................................................................................................... 4

5. File and Database Design ........................................................................................................4

Database Design............................................................................................................................ 4
Non-Database Management System Files .................................................................................... 5
Corrections .................................................................................................................................... 5

6. Software Design ........................................................................................................................5
6.1 Structure Chart. .................................................................................................................................. 5
6.2 Structure Chart Discussion.....................................................................

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