Troy University Global Business Discussion

User Generated


Business Finance

Troy University


Current events provide the opportunity to express your understanding of how consumer behavior concepts we are covering in this course relate to recent events. (MO-1.3)

Requirements:  NOTE THE CHANGES!

  • The current event must be sourced from the email version of the free newsletter NRF What's Next SmartBrief or NRF SmartBrief.
  • As this is a current event, the article used must be dated between June 15 and September 10.
  • The current event is to be directly related to a concept covered in Chapters 4, 5, or 14. 

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

MKT 4462- Consumer Behavior Current Event
Anthony Jefferson
Submitted: September 11, 2022.

SOURCE: NRF SmartBrief, August 11, 2022
Pura Vida brings customer service to life in a digital-first world

FULL STORY: How Pura Vida brings customer service to life in a digital-first world NRF
Nexus: Connecting conversations — serving the modern consumer (August 11, 2022).
Available Online:
The company believes that its recent success can be attributed to its preference for taking
customer feedback seriously and acting as per their suggestions. Also, in an attempt to enhance
customer engagement, the company is currently relying on technology such as AI and Chatbots
which have helped them easily handle basic tasks and inquiries. The company’s brand AI has

been found to have a success rate of resolving 15-20%b of inquiries per month. This has
enabled the company to successfully address the needs of both their customers and noncustomers while a...

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