Career Assignment for SPM101

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CAREER PAPER OVERVIEW: Students will complete most assignments individually and some in groups. All assignments should be completed using APA format unless otherwise noted by the instructor. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED. ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS: Assignment Specifications: Decide what your ideal/dream job within the Sports Management industry is. Note this cannot be an entry level position. Detail exactly what that job entails, and what are the steps you will take to secure that position. This is a fictitious exercise, so list specifically where you will work and in what capacity before you reach your goal. Research someone in the industry who has a similar position to your dream job and list how he/she got there. Include your own personal thoughts/observations on your own possible career path. The paper should be 1-2 pages with a minimum of 400+ words, following APA format. Criteria Paper Analysis Format APA Style 25 -20 19 – 15 14 - 10 Provides a clear, detailed and logical career path toward your dream job. Details the current industry executive’s career from college to present day. Provides an honest and insightful opinion on your own future career path. Provides a career path that is not detailed or is not realistic. Describes the three points of the paper but is short on specifics. Is missing one of the three main points of the paper. 20 - 16 15 - 11 10 - 6 5 -0 The text content of the paper is 400 words or more; grammar was appropriate; language was concise and understandable; no misspelled words; and organization was logical. The text content was inadequate; grammar was generally appropriate with no more than one error; language was understandable and concise; one to two misspelled words; and organization was logical. The text content was not within the word allotment /requirement; grammar was not appropriate; language was understandable; contained spelling errors. The text content was not within the guidelines; poor grammar with three or more errors; writing style was difficult to understand as it lacked clarity and organization. Many spelling errors. 5 4 3 2-0 Demonstrated an understanding of the APA. Incorrectly cited your source. Attempted to demonstrate APA guidelines. Did not cite your source. Failed to demonstrate and understanding of APA. Demonstrated an understanding of the APA guidelines. Correctly cited the outside source. 9-0 Is missing one or more of the points of the paper and is not specific or realistic.
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Hello buddy, I am now through. attached is the final answer plus plag report. please check and inform me in case of any clarifications.please DON'T forget to give me the highest rating, my career as a tutor depends heavily on your rating.Thanks, once again buddy. I look forward for a long term relationship.

Running head: MY IDEAL/DREAM JOB

My Ideal/Dream Job within the Sports Management Industry




Career often involves, titles earned, jobs held and the work an individual accomplishes in
a certain period of time (Licht, 2015). In addition, identifying one’s career path at an early age or
during school life is probably the most important thing to do for a successful job security in
future. Scholars have proven that students who are able to identify their career paths early during
school life are more motivated to succeed (Licht, 2015). In this paper I will identify and analyze
my ideal/dream job and the steps that I will take to secure a position in it.
My ideal/dream job within the Sports Management industry
The position of a general manager in the sports industry especially in the field of football
and in one of the leading football clubs in the country is my ideal/dream job.
Sports management jobs are highly competitive internationally and supposedly, even
more competitive in the developed countries (Jozsa, 2010). Some of the management
professionals in sports industry work as athletic directors, team managers, marketing
professionals, sports recruiters and agents, and general managers among others (Jozsa, 2010).
The position of a general manager in a football club involves exercising overall
responsibilities in management of cost and revenue elements involving income statement of the
club; this is also described as the profit and loss responsibility (Jozsa, 2010). This means that the
general manager oversees the day to day operations, and all sales and marketing operations the...

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