In-Class Writing Assignment

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I attached a Guide for Preparation. There will be a list of issues/themes should be prepared to write about. I want one page summery of each section listed in the guidelines that I attached.

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Principles of morals

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Reason versus Sentiment

Is morality determined by our passion nature which is our sentiments or our rational
nature which is reasoning? Both sides of judgment have been evaluated by Hume and reasons are
provided as to why each side is sound. According to the study, both sides of judgments can be
used to come up with a final judgment and moral decisions. The very first reaction on issues is
the sentiment, without applying reason; we cannot explain our first reaction. The possessors has
to come up with answers as to why the reaction was as first but in other cases that requires
intensive observation, the possessors will need to reason first in order to come up with a

The two can work together to make moral decisions but nonetheless, Hume believes that
one of them can be the only source of morality. He however believes that reason cannot be the
ultimate source because morality involves action and reasoning cannot lead anyone to action.
The evaluation of peoples character traits and personalities arise from our sentiments and the
rational nature, this is according to Hume’s view. He believes that sentiment is the ultimate
source because without warmth and a feeling within us, morality cannot be made practical hence
losing its meaning in peoples’ lives.

Surname 2

The moral sentiments that lead to the judgment are emotions that have various causes,
they might stem from past experiences beliefs and values. The sentiments are as a result of
deliberations of the individuals or actions without establishment of personal interests and from a
well known and common view that has some kind of distortions.

Approving someone or an action is easy and pleasurable while disapproving is
discomforting and painful, having moral sentiments therefore means being calm and thinking
soberly but they might be exaggerated by our knowledge of moral questions regarding the issue
by others (Espejo, 2010).

Why Benevolent Qualities are universally esteemed

It might be a hard task and might seem a superfluous task to thing that benevolent or
rather good will and passion can be esteemed. Qualities like merciful, sociable, friendly, and
grateful and many others are known in the entire world to be good and earn merits and known
that the nature of human is able to express.

These qualities are useful for good governance and many other thing but there have been
questions as to why people with these amiable qualities are regarded as above the rank of
humanity yet they are mostly obtained during birth. This is because there have been a constant
rise of other vices that have compromised them like jealousy, unfaithfulness and general
inhumanity in which most people have adopted.

Providing alms for instance to beggars in an act of humanity and compassion. It is treated
as a good virtue because it eases the distress of the beggars but that the same time the act raises
overdependence of the charity donations by the beggars and encouraging idleness, at this point,

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the act of charity will be regarded as a weakness rather than a virtue of humanity. The
assassination of princes during the ancient times was praised because of their cruelty to mankind,
the acts meant that they would be freed for the oppression and keep other at peace but the acts
increased their vices, they became more cruel and violent. The Luxury was declared as a vice
globally because it was considered to be one of the main sources of corruption and those that
might attempt to make a different sense of it will change the already made moral sentiments.

Justice and Utility

Justice is very useful to the society, the importance of justice to the society led to its rise
and the importance of its failure to which it would not be as important as it is viewed. Hume
imagines that if nature gave everybody what they wanted, fulfilled their desires and took away
all of their sorrows, what would be the need for justice?

In such a state of peace, love, unity, humility and togetherness would have killed the
dream of justice because there would be no thought of it. When there is plenty, there will be no
fights over property because they are enough; people do not fight for air because it has been
abundantly bestowed to humanity. Justice therefore is an issue that had to arise because of the
trends of human nature and necessities that have to be met in order to live (Williams, 2015).

Universally selflessness would mean that everyone is willing to share and to ensure the
safety of the other person because there is a lot to give as well. Injustices result from other vices
that make human beings to act out with defense of their own selves. The lawful society has
brought definitions that use justice to implement them. If there are no laws, then everything
belongs to everyone and with the chaotic society we are in, things would be messy everywhere.

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The laws state that a property lawfully belongs to someone lawfully and failure to respect that
will result in legal consequences.

The anger and war by the public who believe that justice is of no use to them any longer,
the laws of justice that are believe by the warring parties t have been denied are calculated by
each one of them separately. Each party believes that justice has been denied and they have to
fight for it (Williams, 2015).

International law versus domestic laws

The two types of laws differ greatly because domestic laws oversee the deeds and
behavior of people within the country whereas international laws govern functions and behaviors
of the country’s government, countries and states. International laws differ from domestic laws
because they do not contain many restrictions; there are no powers that can coerce a nation or
state to go with the decisions made in court.

Moreover, they countries have the ability to pull themselves from the treaties made using
the rightful procedures. The countries do not see obeying the law as their first priority, it will just
come a after an assurance that they will survive the...

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