PSCI 1110 MCTC American Political Science Association Summary Question

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Minneapolis Community and Technical College


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PSCI 1110 – Introduction to Political Science APSA Summary Assignment Instructions This assignment also serves as an opportunity to practice your independent research skills and your ability to synthesize and present information in a clear and concise manner. This assignment is also in line with Minneapolis College Policy 3.04 Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), which serve as the foundation to success within all programs of study and throughout life to prepare to meet the social, personal and career challenges you will face in the future: 1) community/global connections and social responsibility; 2) life and professional skills; 3) information fluency, inquiry, and problem-posing and problem-solving; and 4) communication. Visit each of the American Political Science Association (APSA) links below and provide a brief summary: 1) Political Science: An Ideal Liberal Arts Major; 2) Careers for Political Science Majors; and 3) APSA Resources for Addressing Systemic Racism & Social Justice. In reviewing the above, pay particular attention to the politics of diversity, race, class, and gender in contemporary society as well as different ways you can participate as an active citizen in the exercise of your political rights and responsibilities. Format: Approximate length of the writing assignment is ~2 pages (approximately 500~750 words). Use font size 11 or 12 and submit assignment as MSWord document (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) only. Please do not use other formats as they may be incompatible with D2L Brightspace. Include your NAME, COURSE NUMBER (PSCI 1110) and SEMESTER (2022 Fall) at the top of the first page. Citations: Be sure to cite each of the APSA links above using MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) format. This is your opportunity to practice using academic citations. It is important to credit original sources of information. After all, if we were sharing our own materials, we would appreciate being credited if someone else used our materials, too! Helpful Writing Support and Assistance: A reminder as well to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to complete your summary. Be sure to spell check and proofread papers before submission! For helpful support and assistance with writing and citations, you may wish to visit the following sites: • • • Minneapolis College Library LibGuides – English (Writing) – This is an especially helpful site; you may wish to “Bookmark” for future reference as well. Minneapolis College Academic Success Center Writing Tutor/Resources – Students are encouraged to take advantage of free writing support offered in the Academic Success Center. The Academic Success Center is located on the third floor of the T Building, room T.3200; online/virtual support available as well. Given them a call at 612-659-6140, or email Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) – The Purdue OWL is a free resource for writing tips and assignments, research and citation tutorials, and teacher and tutor materials. The OWL’s most popular feature is its research and citation pages, which cover writing and citing references in American Psychological Association and Modern Language Association (or Chicago styles.) 1 A note about Plagiarism: • • Properly document all sources and use “in-text citations” as well as “Bibliography” or “List of Work Cited.” Failure to credit original sources of information by properly citing sources (i.e. plagiarism) will result in a zero for the assignment and possible referral under the MCTC Policy 4.04.01 Student Code of Conduct Procedures. Questions: If you have questions about the assignment, you’re encouraged to reach out to me by email at or post general questions in the D2L Ask the Instructor discussion forum. PSCI 1110 APSA Summary Assignment – Grading Rubric A B C D F Clear summary that displays a thoughtful, indepth analysis of topic. Clear summary with evidence of general analysis of topic. Summary with basic analysis. Paper completes assignment. Unclear summary; analysis is vague or not evident. No essay submitted or does not meet requirements. 50% Begins, flows and ends smoothly with special concern for best word/ or phrase to clearly express ideas. 40% Begins, flows, and ends somewhat smoothly and word choice is generally good. 35% Organization lacking and disjointed. Word choice adequate but may be too general. 30% Inadequate organization; stringing together quotes without context. Word choice is lacking. 25% Lacking in organization and fails to flow logically. Ideas are unclear and word choice is poor. 10% of grade 30% Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 25% Few errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. 23% Noticeable errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling that detract somewhat from essay. 20% Significant errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling that detract from essay. 15% Numerous errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Citations/ Sources and Evidence of Research 10% Proper use of intext MLA Citation or APA Citation and reference list. 8% Evidence of intext MLA Citation or APA Citation and reference list. 7% Some evidence of in-text citations and/or references (e.g. URLs instead of proper citations) 6% No in-text citations or incorrect format (e.g. URLs). 5% No citations or references provided. 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% Complies with Assignment Instructions 50% of grade Organization and Cohesiveness 30% of grade Spelling and Grammar 10% of grade Total: 100% 2
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PSCI 1110 – Introduction to Political Science
APSA Summary Assignment Instructions
This assignment also serves as an opportunity to practice your independent research skills and your ability to
synthesize and present information in a clear and concise manner. This assignment is also in line with
Minneapolis College Policy 3.04 Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), which serve as the foundation to
success within all programs of study and throughout life to prepare to meet the social, personal and career
challenges you will face in the future: 1) community/global connections and social responsibility; 2) life and
professional skills; 3) information fluency, inquiry, and problem-posing and problem-solving; and 4)
Visit each of the American Political Science Association (APSA) links below and provide a brief summary:
1) Political Science: An Ideal Liberal Arts Major;
2) Careers for Political Science Majors; and
3) APSA Resources for Addressing Systemic Racism & Social Justice.
In reviewing the above, pay particular attention to the politics of diversity, race, class, and gender in
contemporary society as well as different ways you can participate as an active citizen in the exercise of your
political rights and responsibilities.
Format: Approximate length of the writing assignment is ~2 pages (approximately 500~750 words). Use font
size 11 or 12 and submit assignment as MSWord document (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) only. Please do
not use other formats as they may be incompatible with D2L Brightspace.
Include your NAME, COURSE NUMBER (PSCI 1110) and SEMESTER (2022 Fall) at the top of the first page.
Citations: Be sure to cite each of the APSA links above using MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA
(American Psychological Association) format. This is your opportunity to practice using academic citations. It is
important to credit original sources of information. After all, if we were sharing our own materials, we would
appreciate being credited if someone else used our materials, too!
Helpful Writing Support and Assistance: A reminder as well to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to
complete your summary. Be sure to spell check and proof...

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