Glendale Community College Health & Medical Questions

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Health Medical

Glendale Community College


Remember, this is a Financial Class, so the paper must be on the financial matters of a current topic in "Current Health Care Financial Trends"

  • Shifting of healthcare from outpatient, urgent care, emergency room and physician office visits to telehealth and telemedicine and the revenues and cost issues this represents. Some pre-approved articles: (make sure to include data.)  Please use this pre-approved article to do the paper

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Here is a simple example: ABUNDANCE The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis, Steven Kotler Chapter on Healthcare Problems: • Medicine is growing exponentially. o Human brains cannot keep up; ▪ Within 5 years of medical school, 50% of what is learned is outdated or found to be wrong. • Millions die in hospitals from preventable medical errors o 1.5M from medication errors; ○ Others due to only 55% receiving recommended care; • Africa has 2.4 health workers per 1,000 population... The U.S. 24.8 per 1,000 ○ Africa has 25% of the diseases in the world but only 1.3% of the healthcare workers; ○ The U.S. will have a 150,000 physician shortage by 2020. Solutions: • "Zero-Cost Diagnostics" by 2022 ○ An X-ray unit/CT scanner in a briefcase: ■ Powered by solar/batteries; ■ Cost of $1 for supplies; With 1/100th the radiation. ○ A drop of blood or saliva that reveals the DNA/RNA of any pathogen in the body; Newborn DNA would show: • Likelihood of disease; • Wellness steps to be taken; • Reaction to certain drugs, etc. ○ Cataracts, the leading cause of blindness has simple surgical resolutions but not enough surgeons. " 18 M cases in Africa and Asia per year ▪ “Da Vinci Surgical Systems" robots allow - physicians to work remotely An LA surgeon can remotely operate on a cataract in Africa in 20 minutes. ○ Cancer Neuro-robotics will detect, inject and destroy cancer cells at early stage. ○ Eldercare " Robots are ready for in-home use. ○ Stem Cell will:
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View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.My pleasure working with you.

Article: Telehealth: A quarter-trillion-dollar post-COVID-19 reality?

Covid-19 onset has accelerated telehealth usage
o Some concerns remain
▪ Security (perception of technology security)
▪ Effectiveness relative to in-person visits
▪ Workflow integration
▪ Future for reimbursements.
A gap exists between consumers' interest in telehealth and actual usage
o Out of 76% interest, only 46% for actual usage due to a lack of:
▪ Insight into telehealth offerings
▪ Education on care services that could be provided virtually
▪ Insurance coverag...

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