MGMT 221 Embry Riddle University Introduction to Management Information Systems Paper
PART 1 Overview
Hunt Library's (Links to an external site.) EAGLEsearch tool can automatically provide proper APA style format for citations and references.
APA Formatting
Course Specific APA Style Instructions and Guidance
This Module Review assignment requires you to answer complex questions that are related to the topics presented in the module readings and have been designed to develop your critical thinking skills.
Use the course textbook AND outside primary sources to obtain data that supports your answers. Follow the guidelines in the Requirementssection, including using current APA style and pasting the questions in bold before each answer.
Explain the concept of a crawler search engine.
How has the utilization of mobile technologies impacted search engine optimization practices?
Describe how mashups create new benefits and functionality from existing data or information.
Your document submission is due by the posted due date. Your instructor will use the rubric for evaluating and grading your submission.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Follow the guidelines in the Module Review Questions Requirements section.
This assessment aligns with Module Objectives 1, 2, & 3 and Learning Outcome 5.
Purpose of Module Review Questions
Module Review Questions allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the module topics and to develop your critical thinking skills.
Required Research
In order to answer the questions, you will first engage in a process of scholarly research for the purpose of obtaining data that can be utilized to support your answers. Conduct in-depth research in the course textbook AND outside primary sources.
It is strongly recommended that you conduct research utilizing the ERAU Hunt Library. The Hunt Library contains a great amount of information on aviation and other topics. A benefit of utilizing the Hunt Library is the availability of the APA style citation/reference tool that is provided when conducting research utilizing the EAGLEsearch feature. This tool can automatically provide the proper APA style formats for citations and references.
Scholarly paper
Microsoft Word® (DOCX)
Current APA style
12 pt Times New Roman font
Double-spaced lines
Title Page
Page Headers on all pages
In-text Citations
Reference List page
Paste each assignment question in BOLD font before each answer in the Body of the Text.
Provide detailed data to answer ALL the questions fully.
Conduct research using BOTH the course readings AND outside primary sources.
Include terminology obtained from the research materials.
Digital dashboards are dynamic Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools that are utilized in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and other information systems that depict a company’s performance metrics in real-time. Digital dashboards enable managers to view disparate data without having to open up and view multiple applications in different windows or on different screens. Budget allocation balances, sales trends, departmental employee performance, and other metrics are often displayed on digital dashboards.
Digital dashboards can be implemented out-of-the-box or customized to fit a manager’s purposes and desires. Microsoft® Dynamics CRM, Salesforce, and other cloud-based solutions that utilize digital dashboards to assist managers in achieving the goals of increased sales, improved customer service, and efficient business processes.
The following is an example of an executive digital dashboard:
Your document submission is due by the posted due date. Your instructor will use the rubric for evaluating and grading your submission.
Follow the guidelines in the Requirements section.
This assessment aligns with Module Objective 4 and Learning Outcome 6.
For this exercise, hypothetically, you are a recent ERAU graduate and the newly-hired assistant to the VP of Sales at a large-scale wholesale aviation parts business. You have been tasked to create a document depicting a mock-up of a proposed digital dashboard that the executive will utilize in her day-to-day tasks. Once she approves the design, your data will be given as a graphical concept to an IT consulting firm that has been retained to implement a Microsoft Dynamics CRM® solution at the company. The plan is to have the consulting firm utilize your data to customize the out-of-the-box information system solution to include a tailored digital dashboard for the executive.
The following are the dashboard requirements:
Submit the digital dashboard mock-up in a Microsoft Word®document.
Provide a total of SIX charts in the digital dashboard mock-up.
Do NOT utilize charts that have no X and Y axes such as “Pie” charts, “Sunburst" charts, etc.
Present ALL SIX charts on ONE page.
Submit the page in Landscape orientation.
Present SIX different chart types.
Create Axis Titles on all charts and present specific terms relating to the chart data in the axis titles.
Replace the default chart title and numerical data with a new title and new numerical data.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Follow the guidelines in the Steps to Create a Dashboard section.
Steps to Create a Digital Dashboard
To create the mock-up of the dashboard, you will need the Microsoft Word® and Microsoft Excel® applications. If you don't already have a version of the applications, to download the free Microsoft Office 365® software suite that contains the applications, select the ERAU Software Download (Links to an external site.) link. You will need to be signed into ERNIE.
You will utilize one of the two following methods to create your digital dashboard mock-up, depending on the version of Microsoft Word® that you have:
Local Version of Microsoft Word® Method (NOTE: A 'local' version is one where the software is installed directly on the system. This method will NOT work with the cloud-based version of Microsoft Word® that is included in Microsoft Office 365®)
Open a Microsoft Word® document and select Landscape in the Orientation selection of the Layout tab on the toolbar.
Select a chart type from the Chart selection area in the Insert tab on the Microsoft Word® toolbar.
Select OK and a Microsoft Excel® worksheet labeled Chart in Microsoft Word automatically opens with cells containing default numerical data.
Replace the default numerical data by inserting new numerical data using any combination of four digits.
Select the Plus (+) icon and then select Axis Titles.
Create X and Y Axes Titles to reflect your specific data types.
Repeat the process to create a TOTAL of SIX charts.
Arrange the SIX charts in an orderly fashion in a similar fashion to the dashboard example above.
Cloud-Based Version of Microsoft Word® Method (NOTE: This method will work with the cloud-based version of Microsoft Word® that is included in Microsoft Office 365®)
Open a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet.
Create each of the SIX charts one-at-a-time on a separate worksheet tab in the spreadsheet.
Enter the data into the cells that you intend to present in the chart.
Select a chart type from the Chart selection area in the Insert tab on the Microsoft Excel® toolbar.
Select the Plus (+) icon and select Axis Titles.
Create X and Y Axis Titles to reflect your specific data types.
Left-click process anywhere outside of the chart to finish the chart.
Open a Microsoft Word® document and select Landscape in the Orientation selection of the Layout tab on the toolbar.
Copy and paste each of the SIX charts, one at a time, into the Microsoft Word® document.
Arrange the SIX charts in an orderly fashion in a similar fashion to the dashboard example above.
In this module, you will add to the research paper document you started in Module 3.
Summary of Steps
Research your first two IS-related solutions that you listed in your document during Module 3.
Edit your research paper document based on the feedback you received in Module 3.
Using the same document, follow the instructions below to write the introduction to your paper, the first two IS-related solutions, and your references for those sections.
Submit your document for grading.
Some suggestions on the types of data that you might include to build your paper are as follows:
Describe how the information systems will benefit your company.
Provide details and examples of applications and solutions offered by retail vendors.
Describe the framework for each solution that the internal staff of your company might develop and implement.
Present an account of the strengths, weaknesses, and cost considerations for those solutions.
Identify and describe how a solution can provide a competitive advantage, influence strategy, affect organizational performance, and increase operational efficiency.
Detailed instructions for this assignment are below and in the Detailed Instructions and Research Project Requirements sections, which describes the complete project.
In your role as an employee at a medium-to-large aviation-related business, it's time to drill down to the specifics for two of the Management Information Systems you selected. As you perform research and compose your data, remember that you are in a mid-to-upper level management position and have significant decision-making influence with your company.
Your document submission is due by the posted due date. Your instructor will use the 5.3 Research Project: Submission 2 Rubric for evaluating and grading your submission.
Follow the guidelines in the Detailed Instructions section.
This assessment aligns with Module Objective 2 and Learning Outcomes 1 & 2.
Assignment Details
Before you begin to work on the Project Submission 2 assignment, review the instructor’s grading comments and markups on the Project Submission 1 document and correct any issues. Re-save the corrected Project Submission 1 document as a new Project Submission 2 working document.
The following are the submission requirements for this assignment:
Begin the body of the text section with a brief paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduces the need for IS solutions in your company.
Submit researched scholarly data for TWO of the IS-related solutions that you selected.
Submit a minimum of TWO full pages of double-spaced text in the Body of the Text section for EACH IS-related solution. The TOTAL number of submitted pages in the Body of the Text section is FOUR full pages. The Title and paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduce the need for IS-related solutions in your company, and the Reference List pages are not considered part of the “FOUR full pages” in the Body of the Text section.
Precede the paragraphed data for each topic in the Body of the Text section with the left-justified title of the topic.
Do NOT present any Conclusion data. Present only the word “Conclusion,” where indicated in the template data.
A minimum of TWO primary reference sources outside of the course textbook are required to be cited and referenced in the document submission (ONE per topic).
As you do your research and compose data for each of the IS-related solutions in each assignment, keep up the Reference List page and make notes for the data in the Conclusion section that you will compose in your final draft document.