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Computer Science

IT 233

Saudi electronic university



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College of Computing and Informatics Assignment 1 Deadline: Thursday 29/9/2022 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8] Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format. • It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files. • Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation). • Email submission will not be accepted. • You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page. • You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark. • You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question. • Late submission will result in ZERO mark. • The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark. • Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. Question One Pg. 01 Learning Outcome(s): CLO2. Explain various machine language concepts. Question One 4 Marks Answer the following questions by explaining the needed steps for the calculations. 1. Convert the Binary Number 1110102 to Decimal Number 2. Convert the Hexadecimal Number 1DA16 to Decimal Number 3. compute 1110102 + 10102 4. compute 1012 * 102 Question Two Pg. 02 Learning Outcome(s): CLO1. Describe the structure of computer systems. 2 Marks Question Two Compare between Bitmap and Object Images, based on: - What are they made up of? What kind of software is used? - What are their requirements? What happened when they are resized? Question Three Pg. 03 Learning Outcome(s): CLO1. Describe the structure of computer systems. 2 Marks Question Three Specify at least four differences between Peer-to-Peer and Client/Server computing. List two examples for each.
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Explanation & Answer

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Paper Outline; Computing

Conversion of the Binary Number 111010 to Decimal

A number in binary form can be converted to a decimal by multiplying each digit by powers of 2
raised to the digit's position in binary form.

Convert the Hexadecimal Number 1DA16 to a Decimal Number

Start by multiplying each digit by 16, raise to the power of 0,1,2…to n depending on the number
of digits. Add the results you get from multiplication.

Compute 1110102 + 10102


Compute 1012 * 102


Compare Bitmap and Object Images, Based on


What are they Made Up of

Bitmap images are composed of tiny dots, referred to as pixels.

What Kind of Software is Used

Image editing software work well with a bitmap image. What are their Requirements?
A bit bitmap image should have a resolution of 1200 pixels per inch.

What Happened When they are Resized
When a bitmap image is resized, it starts losing its quality Specify at Least


Four Differences Between Peer-to-Peer and Client/Server Computing. List Two
Examples for Each

In a peer-to-peer network, each computer is connected to another node which is not a server..

Sources: References



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Conversion of the Binary Number 1110102to Decimal
A number in binary can be converted to a decimal by multiplying each digit by powers of
2 raised to the digit's position in binary form. Moreover, add the individual result to get the total
result in decimal form.

Convert the Hexadecimal Number 1DA16 to a Decimal Number
Start by multiplying each digit by 16, raised to the power of 0,1,2…to n, depending on
the number of digits. Add the results you get from multiplication. D denotes value 13 in
hexadecimal, while A denotes 10.


The results here are to the base of 10, which is 47410
Compute 1110102 + 10102
We use these four rules in adding two binary numbers. We have 0 + 0 = 0, 0 + 1 = 1, 1 +
0 = 1, and 1 + 1 = 10.
+ 1010
We carry the value 1 to the following sum when adding two 1's.
compute 1012 * 102
These four steps guide me in solving binary multiplication.

10102-this is the sum after the multiplication of the two binary numbers.
Compare Bitmap and Object Images, Based on
What are they Made Up of
Bitmap images are composed of tiny dots, referred to as pixels. Each pixel is assigned a
color and then combined in a specific pattern to form an image. Furthermore, the image form...

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