EED470 Grand Canyon University Benchmark Reflection Essay

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Grand Canyon University


Write a 1,000-1,250-word reflection essay summarizing:

Your learning experience during the practicum.

Assessment administration- the pre and post assessment data, challenges and strengths.

Data analysis. Include a chart or graphic organizer.

Specific activities with the student during instruction.

Progress made to be notated in the chart.

Collaboration with the classroom teacher.

Your reflection on how assessment guides instruction. Explain how data was used to target the needs of the student and to plan instruction.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA style guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

I already started the majority of it. Just need essay part done and finishing the data chart. If the chart is done wrong please fix it. Here is the details:

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Running head: Benchmark 1 Benchmark Diane Tschopp EED-470 10/15/17 Yusra Millenbaugh Grand Canyon University Benchmark 2 Benchmark Reflection Essay Insert Reflection Essay here w/ pre and post reading assessment results chart and reference page. BENCHMARK 3 Assessment Data Chart: Area Phonemic Awareness/ Phonics Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Assessment Used Informal Assessment Pre Test Data Identified Need Conference Learning the sound of /c/ Informal Assessment Formal Assessment Informal Assessment Conference Learning context clues Reading pattern books Listening skills and oral language Survey and Interview Conference Post Test Data BENCHMARK 4 Vital Information Subject: Reading Area of Reading Phonics/ Phonemic Awareness Grade/Level Kindergarten Summary We will read a story called the Very Hungry Caterpillar and learned about what metamorphosis means with the stages and learn about what the letter C sounds like with other words that start with the letter C. Standards and Differentiation Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). CCSS.ELA-Literacy. K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Differentiated Instruction For an advance student: Have the student write their own version of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. They can write about a frog or a toad and so forth. For a struggling student: Show them pictures of things that begin with the letter C and help them to understand what the letter C sounds like, also give them different words that start with the letter C. EEI (Essential Elements of Instruction) - Required Lesson Elements Objective The student will have the basic understanding of what metamorphosis means and be able to recognize the /c/ sound. BENCHMARK 5 Anticipatory Set I will tell the student we will be learning what metamorphosis means and how the caterpillar becomes a butterfly and learn the sound /c/. I will also show the student the Very Hungry Caterpillar book and ask the student what a caterpillar eats. Teach Lesson/Model We will read the story together. I will go over some things that were important in the book, such as the stages of metamorphosis, how they came in sequence in the book and vocabulary. I also will ask questions about the book. Guided Practice I will do a phonics lesson and have the student sound out the letter C. I also will show the student that the word caterpillar began with the letter C and sounding out the c sound for the student. I also asked the student what other words start with the letter C. Independent Practice I will give the student a worksheet with an activity on it for the student to do. Closure I will ask the student what the metamorphosis stages are in a caterpillar and what words start with the letter C Evaluation (Assessment/ Rubric I will have the student sound out the letter C and ask what metamorphosis means and the stages of metamorphosis. Check for Understanding: I will ask what letter the word caterpillar began with and ask what other words begin with is the letter C. I also will ask what are the different stages of metamorphosis. Materials and Resources Instructional Materials The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle C is for Caterpillar activity worksheet Pencil and colored pencils Resources Vital Information Subject: Reading BENCHMARK 6 Area of Reading Fluency Grade/Level Kindergarten Summary The student will be able to read their own mini book. Standards and Differentiation Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.4 Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding. Differentiated Instruction For more advanced student: Give the student a more challenging mini book to read. For a struggling student: Give the student a smaller mini book to read. EEI (Essential Elements of Instruction) - Required Lesson Elements Objective The student will be able to read the story to practice their phonics skills. Anticipatory Set I will tell the student that we will be making their own book and be able to color it in as well as be able to read their own book by themselves. Teach Lesson/Model I will put my own book together to show them how it is put together. I will then tell the student that the book has a pattern to it and show them the pattern. I will read the title and point to each word. I will then the read the student the first page to show them the pattern while I point to each word. I will read the book together with the student. Guided Practice I will tell the student to look at the pictures to tell the story. I will also tell the student to get their mouth ready to read the words they don’t know. I will have them sound out the first letter of the word and look at the picture to see wat the word could be. We will sound the word out together. Then we will read the pages together. Independent Practice I will give the student the worksheet with the book on it for the student to cut out and color. The student will put the book together. Check for Understanding: I will ask the student to read me the book and listen for fluency of the words and see how the student points to each word as they read me the story. BENCHMARK 7 Closure I will ask the student what the story was about and what the pattern was. Evaluation (Assessment/ Rubric The student’s fluency was very fluent and was able to tell me what the story was about. Materials and Resources Instructional Materials Pointer Mini Book worksheet Crayons stapler Resources Vital Information Subject: Reading Area of Reading Vocabulary Grade/Level Kindergarten Summary I will have the student identify different ocean animals with context clues given as well as learning new vocabulary words. Standards and Differentiation Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.4. a Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). Differentiated Instruction Foe advanced students: The teacher can come up with more clues to ocean animals. Ask them to add more ocean animals to the list. For struggling student: Talk with the student in a separate section of the room and have them talk through each animal find out what their previous knowledge is. BENCHMARK 8 EEI (Essential Elements of Instruction) - Required Lesson Elements Objective The student will be able to identify the use context clues to identify different ocean animals. Anticipatory Set I will go over the different words and their definitions: fin, gills, flippers, predator. I will tell student that they will learn new things about the ocean life. I will have the student list as many ocean animals as they can. Teach Lesson/Model I will have the animal cards placed on the table. I will tell the student that we will I will read each clue that describes each of the eight animals that live in the ocean. I will have the student grab the animal. If the student is correct then the card does not go back to the table. Guided Practice I will put the cards of ocean animals back on the table and gave the student the clues. The student will have to find the right animal to the clue I gave. I will help guide the student to the right animal with different clues. Independent Practice I will have the student practice with the cards independently and give the student a worksheet to cut and color for a bookmark. Closure I will have the student share the favorite part of the activity and have the student tell me a fact about what the student learned from the lesson. Evaluation (Assessment/ Rubric I will give the student a little quiz to see how many ocean animals the student knows. The student could match most of the animals by the end of the lesson. Check for Understanding: I will have the student tell me what each animal is when I show the student each picture. Materials and Resources Instructional Materials Table Life cards made with construction paper, laminated Bookmark worksheet Ocean Life Quiz Vocabulary words with definitions Resources BENCHMARK 9 Vital Information Subject: Reading Area of Reading Comprehension Grade/Level Kindergarten Summary The student will be able to develop their oral language and their listening skills as well as identify the settings of the story. Standards and Differentiation Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL. K.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Differentiated Instruction For advanced students: Have the students write words or sentences with their drawing. Also, have them come up with their own walk and have them draw it. For struggling students: Read the story over again with them and have them point out the settings and the characters. Point to the illustrations and explain the story. Then have them explain what the pictures are saying to them. EEI (Essential Elements of Instruction) - Required Lesson Elements Objective Students will be able to identify the setting of a story as well as develop oral language and listening skills. Anticipatory Set I will review concepts of print the front and back of books. I will also read a book such as Jonathan and His Mommy and show them the back and front of the book. While reading the book I will ask the student to look at the picture and tell me what is happening in the picture. I will ask the who, what, where, when and how questions of the book. Teach Lesson/Model While reading the book I will use my finger to go along with each word as I read the story to show how to read each word. I will also ask what each picture is doing and ask the student to figure out what the words are that they don’t know by getting their mouth ready and sound out the first letter. This will tell the student what the word could be. Guided Practice I will instruct the student stand up and show me some different types of how they can walk. I will then model how I walk in a way Check for Understanding: I will ask the student the w questions about the book. I BENCHMARK 10 that is not disruptive way. Independent Practice I will have the student draw 3 big blocks on construction papers and instruct the student to draw the setting of the book in the first block. I will tell the student to draw a character from the book in the second block and where the student would like to walk in the third block. Closure I will ask the child what the setting and characters of the book is and have the student tell me what their favorite character is in the book. Evaluation (Assessment/ Rubric The student knew what the story was about and knew all characters and the setting of the book. will also have the student draw the favorite picture of the book. I will also have the student identify the characters and setting of the book. Materials and Resources Instructional Materials Jonathan and His Mommy book Crayons Construction paper Pencil Resources BENCHMARK 11 References >
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Running head: BENCHMARK


Diane Tschopp
Yusra Millenbaugh
Grand Canyon University


Benchmark Reflection Essay

Reflection particularly involves looking at the things an individual has experienced, how
they felt about it, what they learn and how they can handle the same situation differently in the
future. Through reflection an individual has an opportunity grow and develop critical thinking
skills. The thriving of young children is promoted when there is a positive and secure
relationship with knowledgeable adults who support their learning and development (Hamre et
al.,2012). During the clinical field practicum, I noted a number of things from my mentor. The
manner in which she taught the kindergarten students how to read pattern book. Aiding the
students in expressing themselves and learning to write by doing journals with them. She made
sure that the students read each day independently and read one more minute more each day than
the previous day. The students were guided on reading pictures and assisted in reading what they
saw in the picture. The students put what they read each day into the reading log. The students
have different centers in which they would be involved in different activities. At one center the
students were reading silently to themselves, at other, they would be writing words that are
selected for them in the picture. The third center the mentor would have students with her, and
they will be reading the book together and the last center the students will be doing some
alphabet while others are on the computer doing Starfall. She also assessed the reading ability of
the students.
The mentor maintained professionalism throughout the practicum through reflecting on
his practicing and basing it on the research on teaching. The evaluation which she made was the
effect of her decisions on the students, family and the professionals in the learning community.
She related well with other professions in the elementary education as well as students and
parent which bolstered her learning opportunity professionally. The excellent relationship with



the parent was encouraged and improved through appreciating their support and involvement in
the education of their children.More so, providing parents with the weekly achievement of their
children by detailing what they are learning and what has been accomplished and asking more
about the children to understand what they like and do outside the school and how it can
influence or promote their learning (Clements & Sarama, 2011). I was able to benefit from this
observation as I understood the best way to grow and evade problems in behaving and acting
professionally in the learning environment and with all relevant stakeholders. Thus, it is
paramount to establish and maintain a positive relationship. The growth of the students and
wellbeing regarding physical, emotional, social and intellectual was promoted by good
collaboration with colleagues, families and community agencies. More so, through this
collaboration, the needs of the students can be identified and responded effectively as there is
maximum sharing of resources and children can learn and develop in healthy ways and ways by
the family and community culture. Besides having improved behaviors, the students benefit
from this collaboration by gaining better social skills, a better relationship with parents, adapting
well to school, high attendance, high self-esteem, completion of homework consistently.
Therefore, better behaviors impact education positively through good achievements
The lesson plan utilized by the mentor was inclusive of the goals and objectives, the
learning materials, assessment and follow up. The objectives of the lessons were clearly defined
and by the educational standards. Specific goals were delineated which should be attained by ...

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