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Job security 1 1 Opportunity for advancement 4 4 NNI 3 3 5 5 5 hich aspects ed a score of 1 or 2? These are least likely to motivate you. Is pay the only way to motivate you? SOURCE: Based on the Job Assessor" found at accessed August 2002 4 EXERCISING STRATEGY Pay for Performance for Educators The Chinese government wished to reduce the number example, 11 educators in Atlanta were recently convicted of accidental deaths in the country. It set a target of 2.5% of the population per year. Most of China's provinces in one school, for example, it was reported that a principal of racketeering for their roles in manipulating test scores. adopted policies that linked career advancement among wore gloves while changing student answers to help them state officials in the provinces to meeting the 2.5% tar- and the school district obtain higher scores. get. Eight years later, the accidental death rate was lower by one-half. However, upon closer inspection, there were QUESTIONS troubling facts. For example, a death could be kept from 1. Is it possible to successfully use pay for performance in being coded as accidental if the victim did not die within education? What are the reasons to use it and what are 7 days. So, keeping the person alive for 8 days or more the potential pitfalls? How can the latter be avoided? was a focus. This and other facts led researchers evaluat- 2. Refer to the Integrity in Action box in this chapter, which ing the program to conclude that "manipulation" played describes Barclays' new pay for performance system. a major role, meaning that actual improvements in safety Also, refer to our discussion of measuring performance were smaller than claimed. Similarly, in the United States, in terms of outcomes and/or behaviors. Apply these con- Chicago Magazine alleges that the Chicago police depart- cepts and examples and suggest how pay for performance ment reduces crime rates by re-classifying incidents as for educators might be better designed. toncriminal, in education, many states now link educator evaluations and pay to student scores on standardized tests. SOURCES: E. Porter, "Relying on Tests in Grading Teacher." The New York Times, March 25, 2015, p. BI: A Blinder. "Atlanta Educators Are Convicted Although how well such systems work depends on their design and execution, potential pitfalls clearly exist. For of Racketeering." The New York Times, April 2, 2015.p.A12.
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Pay for Performance



Pay for Performance

According toDoran, Fullwood, & Roland, (2006), Pay for performance programs are
gaining popularity in different avenues including education sector. Their formulation talks of the
mission of improving learner's performance by providing rewards to educators. The rewards are
for motivation motives and cultivate room for enhancem...

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