what is your impact

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PROJECT TWO What’s YOUR impact? 1. Watch the documentary, ‘No Impact Man’ (Available in 3-hour reserve in the USF-Tampa main library or currently available at http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/no_impact_man/), directed by Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein, 2009, 92 minutes. It is also available through private rental companies. ‘Colin Beavan decides to completely eliminate his personal impact on the environment for the next year. It means eating vegetarian, buying only local food, and turning off the refrigerator. It also means no elevators, no television, no cars, buses, or airplanes, no toxic cleaning products, no electricity, no material consumption, and no garbage. No problem - at least for Colin - but he and his family live in Manhattan. So, when his espresso-guzzling, retail-worshipping wife Michelle and their two-year-old daughter are dragged into the fray, the No Impact Project has an unforeseen impact of its own’.1 2. Calculate your carbon footprint at the Nature Conservancy website**: http://www.nature.org/greenliving/carboncalculator/index.htm Calculate your carbon emissions based on all of the categories including: home energy usage, driving and flying, food and diet, and recycling and waste. Make sure to complete all sections of the carbon calculator. Make notes as you are going through the calculator. What are your inputs? What are your results? How do your carbon emissions compare to the average of a person from the United States and the world (per person)? Think about what changes you can realistically make now to reduce your carbon emissions. 3. Take the Sustainable Synergy, Inc. green living quiz to assess how green you really are**: http://www.transformyourhealth.com/webnewsletters/jan08/howgreenareyouarticle.htm Carefully take the quiz, being sure to look at all the possible answers. Make notes as you are going through the exercise. What do you do? What don’t you do? What are your results? Don't focus on your final score or results...focus on the inputs! 4. Write a combined reaction paper to the documentary AND the results from the carbon calculator AND the green living quiz. Reaction papers are designed so that you'll consider carefully what you think or feel about something you've read or seen. **If you are having trouble accessing the websites, try using a different browser. 1 The Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/11/no-impact-man-the-moviee_n_282472.html (August 18, 2011). The reaction paper should be your reactions, but must also include: • A summary of the documentary (identify the key points highlighted in the documentary) • Naming and discussing at least 5 issues raised in the documentary • A brief discussion of your carbon calculator inputs and results • Include resulting pie chart of Carbon Calculator in the paper by providing a screen shot [ Capture Software, CTRL+PrintScreen and then paste to document with CTRL+V, or the Information Technology Help desk can assist you, if necessary.] • A brief discussion of your eco-footprint calculator inputs and results • Your final combined reaction to the documentary and the results of calculating your carbon footprint and the eco-footprint Things to think about when writing your reactions to Beavan’s attempt: How do you feel about what you are seeing in the documentary? With what do you agree or disagree? Can you identify with anything in the documentary? Reflect on what you have watched in the documentary and what you have discovered about your own carbon emissions and eco-footprint. The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International websites can provide you with ideas on what you can do to reduce your energy usage and carbon footprint and how to increase your eco-footprint. Overall, WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED?!?! Paper length: 5-7 pages including the pie chart from the carbon calculator, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12-point font, Times New Roman Due date + time: Submit via Canvas no later than 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Total score: 100 points Additional notes: No need to cite references for this project unless you utilize a source outside of the textbook, documentary (‘No Impact Man’), Nature Conservancy website, or Conservation International website. This paper must include an introduction (with thesis statement), logical structure, and a conclusion. Your thoughts must be clear, organized and in logical order. Make it enjoyable for us to read, please!
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Radical Change for the Planet’s Sake
A few years ago, Colin Beavan together with his daughter decided to give up their
normal lifestyle so as to reduce their carbon prints. The environmentalist realized that despite
the fact that he was environmentally conscious, he was doing nothing about it. The
documentary ‘No Impact Man’ shows the expeditions of the Beavan family in a yearlong
crusade to see if they would manage to live without leaving any carbon emissions. The most
expensive thing in the world is ignorance. This essay highlights how ignorance is having
diverse effects on the earth as people lack knowledge on how they negatively impact the
earth. This essay is a critical examination of how lifestyle and morals of the Beavan family
have actually had an impact on my life.
Summary of the Documentary
The documentary is about how Colin, Michele, their two year old daughter Isabella
and dog experience life without electricity, toilet paper or motorized transportation and every
other comfort that might leave carbon prints. The bold personal project by the selfproclaimed environmentalist turned their Manhattan home into an experiment site to create
zero impact on the environment. The documentary gives a compelling story of a man
dismayed at the ever worsening rate of carbon emission who makes a drastic decision of
taking things into his own hands. It highlights the successes and setbacks of the experiment in
humorous and exciting adventures.

The documentary makes one to personal question oneself on the compromises that
can be made in a bid to achieve sustainable environments. The documentary gives inspiration
that if someone wants to create global change, then he or she has to ...

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