Write 5 pages about the Hosp 1001. following the request

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HOSP 1001 Term Project Purpose: This project is designed to do the following: 1. Help you explore your career path options. 2. Develop career goals that match your personality- type, values, interests And skills. 3. Review industry focus and career path options in your field. 4. Select career path that supports your goals. Project Components: 1. 2. 3. 4. Must be turned in by November 7 This project is required for successful completion of this class. This project must be word-processed using a 12- point font. Project will be graded for content, organization, grammar, and punctuation. Example. Content is what you have to say. Organization-does your paper have an introduction, middle, and conclusion? Is it written in paragraphs? Grammar-do you have complete sentences? Punctuation-i.e. do not connect sentences with a comma. Remember in this type of paper you do not use the word “I” or give personal opinions. Research what other professionals have to say. Paper must be written in MLA format; this format includes but is not limited to: Title page, page numbers, text, works cited or bibliography. REFERENCE MATERIALS: Library, Web, Textbook, Interviews You must use at least 3 different references) You cannot use your textbook as a source. ASSIGNMENT CHOOSE ONE SPECIFIC CAREER FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS OF THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY: I.E. TRAVEL AGENT, FLIGHT ATTENDANT, TOUR ESCORT, FRONT DESK, CRUISE DIRECTOR. AIRLINES CAR RENTAL PUBLISHING HOTEL RAIL TOUR OPERATIONS TOUR GUIDING i.e. Flight attendant –not all airline careers. CRUISELINES ACCOMMODATIONS FOOD SERVICE You will need to research the possible jobs available within your chosen career and then choose one as your term paper topic. A. – Written portion of project (5pages, plus Works cited). PAPER WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS COMPLETED UTILIZING MLA STANDARDS. Include in written portion the following information: a. full description of position (20) b. salary range (20) c. education level required (20) d. advancement opportunities available in this career (20) e. location of job availability, that is local, national, international (20))
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