BCN 3727 FIU Resistance Force Applied Against Truck when Returning from Site Questions

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BCN 3727

Florida International University



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BCN 3727 CONST. SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT FALL 2022 BCN 3727 CONSTRUCTION SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT In-Class Exercise #2.2 5. A 621G Wheel Tractor Scraper has an empty weight of 40 tons. It can carry a full load of 30 tons. The haul road from borrow to dump site has an uphill grade of 5%. The average tire penetration is 1.5 inch. How fast can the scraper go? Page 1 of 5 BCN 3727 CONST. SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT FALL 2022 Page 2 of 5 BCN 3727 CONST. SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT FALL 2022 6. A scraper has an empty weight of 40 tons. It can carry a full load of 30 tons. The haul road from borrow to dump site has an uphill grade of 5%. The average tire penetration is 1.5 inch. The scraper is powered with 200-horsepower, four cycle naturally respirated engines, and the gear train efficiency is estimated to be 0.8. Around 45% of gross weight is carried by the rear driving wheels. The road condition is firm earth. The manufacturer’s performance data is shown in Table 1. How fast can the scraper go? Table 1. Manufacture’s performance data Gear Speed mph 1 2.5 2 4 3 6.5 4 10 5 13 Page 3 of 5 BCN 3727 CONST. SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT FALL 2022 7. A dump truck is used to haul the material from the borrow to the construction sites. The truck is powered with a four cycle naturally respirated engine. The empty weight of the vehicle is 44,400lb. The maximum load is 25 ton. Around 42% of gross weight is carried by the rear driving wheels. The road has an average uphill grade of 2% when travelling from the borrow site to the construction site. Tire penetration is estimated to be 2 inches. The road condition is wet sand. The project site is at the elevation of 4,000 feet. The performance chart of the dump truck is presented in Figure 1. What is the maximum speed of a fully loaded truck traveling from the borrow site to the construction site? Figure 1. Performance chart of the dump truck Page 4 of 5 BCN 3727 CONST. SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT FALL 2022 Page 5 of 5
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Homework Assignment #2
1. In your project, you have decided to use dump trucks to excavate and haul the fill material.
The empty weight of a truck is 38 tons. The distance between the borrow and the construction
sites is 4 miles, and the road has an average uphill grade of 2.5% when travelling from the
borrow site to the construction site. When fully loaded, the truck can carry 20 tons of fill
material (LCY). You have investigated that the average tire penetration when the truck is
loaded is 1.5 inches.
a. What is the grade resistance force against a fully loaded truck?
The distance between borrow and construction site = 4 miles
Empty weight of truck = 38 tons
Road uphill grade=2.5%
Capacity of truck = 20 tons,
Penetration of tire = 1.5inch
Grade resist...

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