Rocket and mission analysis

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University of the District of Columbia


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Homework #1: Due September 22, 2022 Analysis of a fluid jet striking a vehicle. • Any flow conditions, vehicle characteristics that you like • Draw CV (composed of CSs), outward normal unit vectors, coordinate system • See graphic on next page Case 1: No motion (motion is constrained by application of external force): • Determine force required to resist motion if fluid jet strikes perpendicular to the surface of the vehicle • For Case 1 only, also determine force required to resist motion if fluid jet strikes perpendicular to vehicle surface geometry (“U-shape”) that then returns the fluid 180° to incident direction Case 2: Motion at constant velocity (V < V of fluid jet): • Determine force required to resist motion if fluid jet strikes perpendicular to the vehicle surface with no mass retained • Determine force required to resist motion if fluid jet strike perpendicular to a surface of the vehicle with all mass retained Case 3: Accelerating motion, non-constant velocity; vehicle at rest at t=0. Result is DIFF EQ, which can be solved either numerically or, for the cases, fortunately, in closed form; neglect friction • Determine DIFF EQ and solution if fluid jet strikes perpendicular to the vehicle surface with no mass retained in the vehicle • Determine DIFF EQ and solution if fluid jet strikes perpendicular to the vehicle surface with all mass retained in the vehicle Case 4: Compare these results, on the most equal footing that you can think of, to a rocket, which: • Somehow does not loose mass as it flies • Looses mass as it flies (the real case) Schematic Representation of Problem V(t) Fluid Jet Fext
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Homework 1 Rocket Science

Conservation of energy (No energy loss)
Mass balance

Jet water force (Fjet) =𝑉𝐽

+𝑚 𝐽

𝑉𝐽 = Jet velocity
𝑚 = Mass of water
= 𝑀̇ = Water mass flow rate = Water density times vo...

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