Research borderline disorder in APA format

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Oconee Fall Line Technical College



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AIL Boardline dis.. Psychology 1101 Research Project: Format Guidelines Research Paper Checklist ✓ APA Formatting google Scholar sources no older than years O If you have any questions concerning APA formatting, please visit the OWL Purdue website for specifics. 12 font ✓ 3-5 Pages ✓ 5 Sources ✓7 Paragraphs (at minimum) O There will be a two-point deduction for each paragraph that contains less than 7 sentences. For example, if you have 5 sentences, you will be assessed a 4-point deduction. ✓ Each paragraph contains 7-12 sentences (with an exception of the conclusion) Section Requirements Title Page: The title page should include the following information in the format given below: Research Title Oconee Fall Line Technical College PSYC 1101: Introductory Psychology Instructor's name Date First paragraph: Introduction - When writing your introduction, consider why learning about the disorder is important, identify the percentage of the population diagnosed with the disorder, and focus on the demographics of the population with regards to the disorder. Identify how society may view the disorder. Second paragraph: Scientific definition of disorder Third paragraph: Symptoms of the disorder - must give five (minimum) symptoms Fourth paragraph: Causes and Treatment/Prevention of the disorder Fifth paragraph: Prognosis of the disorder Sixth paragraph: Personal connection / experience to the disorder OR how you think the disorder may affect a person and his/her daily lifeShift Lock >>> A Seventh paragraph: Conclusion - Reference your introduction in the conclusion and reiterate why it is important for society to know about the disorder The last page should be your References page and should include any informational source you have used in your paper. Research Presentation Goal: To demonstrate an understanding of the topic you researched and wrote your paper about accurately and creatively. This is your time to shine! You may use a tri-board, PowerPoint, roleplay, game sequence, etcetera in order to share and demonstrate your knowledge of the chosen disorder. Requirements Your presentation must be 5 minutes. Must include - ✓ Definition ✓ Symptoms ✓ Causes ✓ Diagnosis ✓ Treatment ✓ References You will also be graded on the following criteria: Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence which the audience can follow Misspellings and grammatical errors Subject uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Subject demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic during entire presentation. Correctness of information presented AS USUAL, PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. 5 6 7
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Borderline Disorder


Borderline Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that affects people’s
thoughts and feelings about themselves and others, compromising everyday normal functioning.
Surveys indicate that BPD affects approximately 1.6% of the general population and 20% of the
inpatient psychiatric population (Gunderson et al., 2018). Learning about BPD is vital because
this condition can be misdiagnosed, and understanding it prevents confusion about the disorder
with other personality disorders. It is also crucial due to the disorder’s ability to disrupt the lives
of the patients and those around them. Proper diagnosis, courtesy of prior knowledge of BPD,
facilitates early and appropriate treatment. Understanding BPD may also help address the
disorder-related challenges in the patient’s social life, preventing social isolation and issues such
as drug abuse. Moreover, education on BPD helps combat society’s inaccurate perceptions of the
disorder. Therefore, this paper evaluates the symptoms, causes, treatment, and prognosis of BPD,
including a personal reflection on the disorder.
Scientists define BPD as a neurotic or psychotic condition that results in emotional
dysregulation or instability (Southward & Cheavens, 2018). Not until recently has the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) renamed the condition as a Borderline
Type. Initially, clinicians and other medical practitioners referred to BPD as an Emotional
Regulation or Dysregulation Disorder (ERD, EDD) and Impulsive Personality Disorder (IPD).
Other names used by practitioners to date include Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder
(EUPD) and Emotional Intensity Disorder (EID) (Southward & Cheavens, 2018). Scientists
attribute this disorder to people’s inability to sustain interpersonal or social relationships, selfdevaluation, and inappropriate emotional reactions. Scientific research has attributed self-harm

and other dangerous acts to advanced BPD. However, ongoing scientific research seeks to fill the
gaps in ...

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