Write a paragraph 3

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What is the most stressful situation in my life right now? Why?

“Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson (The language is antiquated as it was written in the early 1800s, so you’ll need to ignore some of the sexist pronouns and religious references; just pay attention to the overall ideas. A lot of people find them absolutely inspiring.)

What is the most stressful situation in my life right now? Why?

After you finish your outline, it’s time to take the ideas from your outline and turn it into a five-paragraph essay. (Use the same prompt, tweaking the ideas as you go.) double-spaced, around two or three pages. Don’t go on the internet for ideas. You won’t be marked down for grammar or anything like that—just do the very best you can.)

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Explanation & Answer

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The Most Stressful Situation in My Life
Students Name

The Most Stressful Situation in My Life
The most stressful situation in my life right now is being a full-time college student and
taking a full-time job at the same time. The pressure is enormous because I am always occupied
with school or work. I am currently undertaking four classes, of which 17 are credit classes. I
attend physical classes in college three days a week and work overnight. I work as a home care
assistant at a location 30 minutes away from school and 40 minutes away from home. It is
challenging to balance school and work because I have limited time to do my schoolwork and
assignments. Sometimes I get fatigued because I rarely have enough rest. I am sure that very few
people would stand my situation because people usually run away from anything stressful.
However, I am convinced I made the right decision to work and school simultaneously. I find
fulfillment in this arrangement because the earnings from my work support my education and
cater to the general expenses. Therefore, I do it willingly despite the stress that comes with it...

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