· Locate a professional article, somehow related to the housing industry/financial crisis of 2008. The article must come from an academic journal or professional publication.
· Produce a summary of the article. Your summary must be between 300-400 words. In order to meet the length criteria, you must endeavor to edit effectively.
· The original article must be attached to the submitted summary.
*In order to earn full-credit, you must attach to your summary a copy of the article about which you are writing.
*Note: A summary is a condensed “re-statement” of an extended idea or argument. A summary neither analyzes nor offers an opinion of a text; it simply, briefly restates it. Remember also that a Summary -- because it is the re-telling of another person's work/idea -- must include appropriate source citations.
*Suggested Publications (search archives):
· Wall Street Journal
· Businessweek
· New York Times
· Money (magazine)
· Washington Post
· Fortune (magazine)

Explanation & Answer

Date Due
Article summary
Article Name: Peter Lazaroff. How to make sure you’re ready for a Market Downturn. 2017.
Accessed [24th October 2017]
According to the author, investor feels insecure especially when faced with impacts of
unforeseeable future. This fear as the article argues originates from the possible challenges
likely to be faced in the next economic downturn. Investors fear the possible turn of events
which may overturn the comfort they’ve been previously enjoying. In a bid to avoid this fear,
Peter Lazaroff gives steps for coping up with any undesirable future with regar...