EEC1970 Rasmussen Mod 4 Educators Impact on Positive Self Esteem Paper

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EEC1970 Early Childhood Education Explorational

Rasmussen University


After learning how to employ positive teaching strategies, positive guidance, and create a developmentally appropriate environment in this module and how educators can impact healthy development and self-esteem, you will now be reflecting on how you feel you can impact the positive self-esteem of young children in your role as an ECE educator.

Key Area of Practice for Module 04: How Educators Impact Positive Self-Esteem

Reflect on how educators impact the positive self-esteem of young children after reflecting on what you observed in the assigned videos for this assignment. Be prepared to explain how the activities you observed match or vary from the Positive Strategies described in the three lectures in this module, and why.

To complete this assignment, first watch all of the videos in the playlist below.


Infants with Teacher: Call and Response


Hearing the Unheard

The Benefits of Teacher-Directed Encounters

Helping Toddlers Help Each Other


Mr. Pat Helps but Supports Self-Help

Supporting Child-Directed Play

Child as Teacher

Mixed Age Groups (view at least 3 age groups):

Outdoor Play- Preview of CD

Social Emotional Learning: Effective Guidance

Next, answer the following questions. In your written responses, be sure to use complete sentences as well as proper punctuation and grammar.

Reflect on this module's key area of practice. Share specific examples of what this looked like in the videos.

Share an example of how you plan to use this key area of practice in your work with young children and families.

Briefly share one "a-ha" moment or a key take-away from the videos.

Download the template containing these questions below.

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Explanation & Answer

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