To assess your ability to:
Recognize the importance of statistics in daily life and work
Action Items
In the discussion board, give an example of how you have encountered statistics in your daily life or work. Discuss how statistics were used and their impact on you.
Compare your response to those of your classmates for similarities or differences.
Submission Instructions
Complete and submit this assignment prior to this week's in-class meeting.
Grading Criteria
- Thorough responses and active enagegment on dsicussion board: 0 – 7 points
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5 pages
Stat Qn Pt1 1
1. Identify the mean, median, and mode for the following data set: Calculating median: We need to arrange the terms in the ...
Stat Qn Pt1 1
1. Identify the mean, median, and mode for the following data set: Calculating median: We need to arrange the terms in the data set in an order from
When will the concentration of the drug fall to a level of 0.5 mg/L?, math homework help
7. Suppose that another drug is administered intravenously to an adult patient in a hospital as prescribed by a ...
When will the concentration of the drug fall to a level of 0.5 mg/L?, math homework help
7. Suppose that another drug is administered intravenously to an adult patient in a hospital as prescribed by a doctor. The relationship between the concentration of the drug (in mg/L) in the bloodstream and the time (in hours after administration) is modeled by the function. a) Using the function above, fill in a chart of the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream for the first 24-hour period after administration at intervals of two hours. Write the concentration accurate to two decimal places as needed. t 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 c(t) b) When will the concentration of the drug fall to a level of 0.5 mg/L? c) When must the next dose of the drug be administered to the patient in order to maintain a concentration above 1 mg/L and below 8 mg/L? Explain your reasoning. d) What is a reasonable domain for this function? Justify why (and if) you would exclude any values.
Purdue University Global Business Strategy Markups & Markdowns Essay
Your business is off to a good start and you are ready to sell some goods. You must decide on your pricing strategy. Choos ...
Purdue University Global Business Strategy Markups & Markdowns Essay
Your business is off to a good start and you are ready to sell some goods. You must decide on your pricing strategy. Choose an item your business will sell and find the selling price of that item online from a competitor’s website. Describe the item and include the URL to the item you are selling in your post. Use an internet search engine to find the average markup percentage on this type of item. For example, search the average markup on lawnmowers. State what percentage you found. Use that markup percentage to calculate the cost and dollar markup of the item. Show all calculations.How satisfied are you with your markup? Using several sentences discuss what markup strategy you intend to use. Will you stick with the average industry markup or go with something else? Will you calculate all your markups by hand or use a different strategy to calculate?
Testing for Multiple Regression, statistics homework help
To prepare for this Part 1 of your Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources and media program related to multipl ...
Testing for Multiple Regression, statistics homework help
To prepare for this Part 1 of your Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources and media program related to multiple regression.Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in the Learning Resources for this week.Based on the dataset you chose, construct a research question that can be answered with a multiple regression analysis.Once you perform your multiple regression analysis, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.For this Part 1 Assignment:Write a 1- to 2-page analysis of your multiple regression results for each research question. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research question, and display of output.
One-Way ANOVA, statistics assignment help
For this assessment, you will complete an SPSS data analysis report using a one-way ANOVA for assigned variables.We are of ...
One-Way ANOVA, statistics assignment help
For this assessment, you will complete an SPSS data analysis report using a one-way ANOVA for assigned variables.We are often confronted with a need to compare the means of more than two groups. We may also need to compare more than two scores among a sample of participants. ANOVA, ANalysisOf VAariance, is a technique designed to address such questions.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Analyze the computation, application, strengths and limitations of various statistical tests.Develop a conclusion, including strengths and limitations of a one-way ANOVA.Competency 2: Analyze the decision making process of data analysis.Analyze the assumptions of a one-way ANOVA.Competency 3: Apply knowledge of hypothesis testing.Articulate a research question, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, and alpha level.Competency 4: Interpret the results of statistical analyses.Interpret the one-way ANOVA output.Competency 5: Apply a statistical program's procedure to a data set.Apply the appropriate SPSS procedures to check assumptions and calculate the one-way ANOVA to generate relevant output.Competency 6: Apply the results of statistical analyses to a field of interest or career.Develop a context for the data set, including a definition of required variables and scales of measurement.Competency 7: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members in the identified field of study.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study.Read the Assessment 4 Context document for important information on the following topics:The logic of a one-way ANOVA.Avoiding inflated Type I error.Hypothesis testing in one-way ANOVA.Assumptions of one-way ANOVA.As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.APPLICATION OF F-TESTSIs there a research question from your professional life or career specialization that can be addressed by a one-way ANOVA?Why would a one-way ANOVA be the appropriate analysis for this research question?What is the expected outcome?REQUIRED RESOURCESThe following resources are required to complete the assessment.Assessment 4 Context.DAA Template.SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines.IBM SPSS Step-by-Step Guide: One-Way ANOVA.Copy/Export Output Instructions.In addition, you will need the grades.savfile that you created from the grades2.datfile in Assessment 1.SPSS SoftwareCapella University requires learners to meet certain minimum computer requirements. Please note that some software required for a course may exceed these minimum requirements. The following statistical analysis software is required to complete your assessments in this course:IBM SPSS Statistics (recent version for PC or Mac).This course requires the following as a minimum:IBM SPSS Statistics Standard GradPack. (The Base GradPack is not acceptable for use in this course.)Internet ResourcesLane, D. M. (2013). HyperStat online: An introductory statistics textbook and online tutorial for help in statistics courses. Retrieved from, Inc. (2013). Electronic statistics textbook. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. Retrieved from (2014). Retrieved from Sophia for tutorials that explore statistical (2012). Free statistic lectures. Retrieved from Academy. (2013). Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.orgThis Web site offers resources covering a range of subjects, including statisticsHall, R. (1998). Between subjects one-way ANOVA example. Psychology World. Retrieved from, A. C. (2012). ANOVA using Microsoft Excel: One-way analysis of variance. Excel Tutorials for Statistical Data Analysis. Retrieved from, T. (Producer). (2009). Mixed methods research[Video] | Transcript. Available from the Assessment 4 Context document (linked in the Resources, under the Required Resources heading) to learn about the concepts used in this assessment.You will use the following resources for this assessment. They are linked in the Required Resources.Complete this assessment using the DAA Template.Read the SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines for a more complete understanding of the DAA Template and how to format and organize your assessment.Refer to IBM SPSS Step-By-Step Instructions: One-Way ANOVA for additional information on using SPSS for this assessment.If necessary, review the Copy/Export Output Instructions to refresh your memory on how to perform these tasks. As with your previous assessments, your submission should be narrative with supporting statistical output (table and graphs) integrated into the narrative in the appropriate place (not all at the end of the document).You will analyze the following variables in the grades.sav data set:section.quiz3.DIRECTIONSStep 1: Write Section 1 of the DAAProvide a context of the grades.sav data set.Include a definition of the specified variables (predictor, outcome) and corresponding scales of measurement.Specify the sample size of the data set.Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAAAnalyze the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA.Paste the SPSS histogram output for quiz3 and discuss your visual interpretations.Paste SPSS descriptives output showing skewness and kurtosis values for quiz3 and interpret them.Paste SPSS output for the Shapiro-Wilk test of quiz3 and interpret it.Report the results of the Levene's test and interpret it.Summarize whether or not the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA are met.Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAASpecify a research question related to the one-way ANOVA.Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.Specify the alpha level.Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAABegin by pasting SPSS output of the means plot and providing an interpretation.Also report the means and standard deviations of quiz3 for each level of section.Next, paste the SPSS ANOVA output and report the results of the F test, including:Degrees of freedom.Fvalue.pvalue.Calculated effect size.Interpretation of the effect size.Finally, if the omnibus F is significant, provide the SPSS post-hoc (Tukey HSD) output.Interpret the post-hoc tests.Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAADiscuss the conclusions of the one-way ANOVA as it relates to the research question.Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of one-way ANOVA.
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Stat Qn Pt1 1
1. Identify the mean, median, and mode for the following data set: Calculating median: We need to arrange the terms in the ...
Stat Qn Pt1 1
1. Identify the mean, median, and mode for the following data set: Calculating median: We need to arrange the terms in the data set in an order from
When will the concentration of the drug fall to a level of 0.5 mg/L?, math homework help
7. Suppose that another drug is administered intravenously to an adult patient in a hospital as prescribed by a ...
When will the concentration of the drug fall to a level of 0.5 mg/L?, math homework help
7. Suppose that another drug is administered intravenously to an adult patient in a hospital as prescribed by a doctor. The relationship between the concentration of the drug (in mg/L) in the bloodstream and the time (in hours after administration) is modeled by the function. a) Using the function above, fill in a chart of the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream for the first 24-hour period after administration at intervals of two hours. Write the concentration accurate to two decimal places as needed. t 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 c(t) b) When will the concentration of the drug fall to a level of 0.5 mg/L? c) When must the next dose of the drug be administered to the patient in order to maintain a concentration above 1 mg/L and below 8 mg/L? Explain your reasoning. d) What is a reasonable domain for this function? Justify why (and if) you would exclude any values.
Purdue University Global Business Strategy Markups & Markdowns Essay
Your business is off to a good start and you are ready to sell some goods. You must decide on your pricing strategy. Choos ...
Purdue University Global Business Strategy Markups & Markdowns Essay
Your business is off to a good start and you are ready to sell some goods. You must decide on your pricing strategy. Choose an item your business will sell and find the selling price of that item online from a competitor’s website. Describe the item and include the URL to the item you are selling in your post. Use an internet search engine to find the average markup percentage on this type of item. For example, search the average markup on lawnmowers. State what percentage you found. Use that markup percentage to calculate the cost and dollar markup of the item. Show all calculations.How satisfied are you with your markup? Using several sentences discuss what markup strategy you intend to use. Will you stick with the average industry markup or go with something else? Will you calculate all your markups by hand or use a different strategy to calculate?
Testing for Multiple Regression, statistics homework help
To prepare for this Part 1 of your Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources and media program related to multipl ...
Testing for Multiple Regression, statistics homework help
To prepare for this Part 1 of your Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources and media program related to multiple regression.Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in the Learning Resources for this week.Based on the dataset you chose, construct a research question that can be answered with a multiple regression analysis.Once you perform your multiple regression analysis, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.For this Part 1 Assignment:Write a 1- to 2-page analysis of your multiple regression results for each research question. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research question, and display of output.
One-Way ANOVA, statistics assignment help
For this assessment, you will complete an SPSS data analysis report using a one-way ANOVA for assigned variables.We are of ...
One-Way ANOVA, statistics assignment help
For this assessment, you will complete an SPSS data analysis report using a one-way ANOVA for assigned variables.We are often confronted with a need to compare the means of more than two groups. We may also need to compare more than two scores among a sample of participants. ANOVA, ANalysisOf VAariance, is a technique designed to address such questions.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Analyze the computation, application, strengths and limitations of various statistical tests.Develop a conclusion, including strengths and limitations of a one-way ANOVA.Competency 2: Analyze the decision making process of data analysis.Analyze the assumptions of a one-way ANOVA.Competency 3: Apply knowledge of hypothesis testing.Articulate a research question, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, and alpha level.Competency 4: Interpret the results of statistical analyses.Interpret the one-way ANOVA output.Competency 5: Apply a statistical program's procedure to a data set.Apply the appropriate SPSS procedures to check assumptions and calculate the one-way ANOVA to generate relevant output.Competency 6: Apply the results of statistical analyses to a field of interest or career.Develop a context for the data set, including a definition of required variables and scales of measurement.Competency 7: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members in the identified field of study.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study.Read the Assessment 4 Context document for important information on the following topics:The logic of a one-way ANOVA.Avoiding inflated Type I error.Hypothesis testing in one-way ANOVA.Assumptions of one-way ANOVA.As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.APPLICATION OF F-TESTSIs there a research question from your professional life or career specialization that can be addressed by a one-way ANOVA?Why would a one-way ANOVA be the appropriate analysis for this research question?What is the expected outcome?REQUIRED RESOURCESThe following resources are required to complete the assessment.Assessment 4 Context.DAA Template.SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines.IBM SPSS Step-by-Step Guide: One-Way ANOVA.Copy/Export Output Instructions.In addition, you will need the grades.savfile that you created from the grades2.datfile in Assessment 1.SPSS SoftwareCapella University requires learners to meet certain minimum computer requirements. Please note that some software required for a course may exceed these minimum requirements. The following statistical analysis software is required to complete your assessments in this course:IBM SPSS Statistics (recent version for PC or Mac).This course requires the following as a minimum:IBM SPSS Statistics Standard GradPack. (The Base GradPack is not acceptable for use in this course.)Internet ResourcesLane, D. M. (2013). HyperStat online: An introductory statistics textbook and online tutorial for help in statistics courses. Retrieved from, Inc. (2013). Electronic statistics textbook. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. Retrieved from (2014). Retrieved from Sophia for tutorials that explore statistical (2012). Free statistic lectures. Retrieved from Academy. (2013). Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.orgThis Web site offers resources covering a range of subjects, including statisticsHall, R. (1998). Between subjects one-way ANOVA example. Psychology World. Retrieved from, A. C. (2012). ANOVA using Microsoft Excel: One-way analysis of variance. Excel Tutorials for Statistical Data Analysis. Retrieved from, T. (Producer). (2009). Mixed methods research[Video] | Transcript. Available from the Assessment 4 Context document (linked in the Resources, under the Required Resources heading) to learn about the concepts used in this assessment.You will use the following resources for this assessment. They are linked in the Required Resources.Complete this assessment using the DAA Template.Read the SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines for a more complete understanding of the DAA Template and how to format and organize your assessment.Refer to IBM SPSS Step-By-Step Instructions: One-Way ANOVA for additional information on using SPSS for this assessment.If necessary, review the Copy/Export Output Instructions to refresh your memory on how to perform these tasks. As with your previous assessments, your submission should be narrative with supporting statistical output (table and graphs) integrated into the narrative in the appropriate place (not all at the end of the document).You will analyze the following variables in the grades.sav data set:section.quiz3.DIRECTIONSStep 1: Write Section 1 of the DAAProvide a context of the grades.sav data set.Include a definition of the specified variables (predictor, outcome) and corresponding scales of measurement.Specify the sample size of the data set.Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAAAnalyze the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA.Paste the SPSS histogram output for quiz3 and discuss your visual interpretations.Paste SPSS descriptives output showing skewness and kurtosis values for quiz3 and interpret them.Paste SPSS output for the Shapiro-Wilk test of quiz3 and interpret it.Report the results of the Levene's test and interpret it.Summarize whether or not the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA are met.Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAASpecify a research question related to the one-way ANOVA.Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.Specify the alpha level.Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAABegin by pasting SPSS output of the means plot and providing an interpretation.Also report the means and standard deviations of quiz3 for each level of section.Next, paste the SPSS ANOVA output and report the results of the F test, including:Degrees of freedom.Fvalue.pvalue.Calculated effect size.Interpretation of the effect size.Finally, if the omnibus F is significant, provide the SPSS post-hoc (Tukey HSD) output.Interpret the post-hoc tests.Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAADiscuss the conclusions of the one-way ANOVA as it relates to the research question.Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of one-way ANOVA.
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