ergonomics and workplace design

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There are 3 question on this assignment based on Chapter 6 on the book, and you can use internet sources to provide the answer.

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IEGR 360 Ergonomics and Workplace Design Fall 2017 Assignment VII Due: 10/31/2017 Chapter 6: Psychophysics Use internet resources to get more information on the answers to the questions before you answer them. Be as elaborate as possible in answering the questions. 1. Where and for what purpose do we use Steven’s Power Law? 2. Of the four psychophysical methods, which is the most accurate, the easiest to use, and most widely used? State your reasons with practical examples. 3. What is the difference between Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion scale and Borg’s Category-ratio scale?
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IEGR 360
Ergonomics and Workplace Design
Fall 2017

Assignment VII Due: 10/31/2017
Chapter 6: Psychophysics
Use internet resources to get more information on the answers to the questions before you
answer them. Be as elaborate as possible in answering the questions.
1. Where and for what purpose do we use Steven’s Power Law?
The Steven’s Power Law is a postulate of experimental psychology which links the physical
intensity of the stimulus to the sensation. We could use this law in which, where there is a need
of relating sensation magnitude to stimulate intensity. The Sensation, a psychological
phenomenon, is by nature inaccessible to measurement; it is indirectly an idea by examining
the statistics of the response of a collection of subjects to a measurable physical stimulus, S = k•I

, where S is the intensity of the sensation, I the intensity of the stimulation, k a constant and a is

said to be Stevens exponent which depends on the type of stimulation (Pashler, 2002). The
purpose of this certain law is to describe the affiliation within the physical quantity of
a stimulus and the intensity of perception. It is cons...

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