Columbia Southern University Unit IV Pepsi Financial Statement Analysis

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Business Finance

Columbia Southern University


Unit IV Essay

This assignment is designed to teach you how to research a company of your choice. You will be performing an analysis of the financial statements of a publicly traded company.

1. To obtain these financial statements. you will need to access

2. Once you are on the SEC website, click on “Company Filings” in the top right corner of the page, located under the search box.

3. You may then search by the company name or ticker symbol to locate the company you want to research.

4. Once you have obtained your company’s financial statements, it is time begin your analysis. Within your analysis you must include, but are not limited to, the following information:  The company’s current ratio,  debt to equity ratio,  return on equity, and  whether the company is improving over time.

5. You will need to support your analysis with at least one scholarly reference from the CSU Online Library.

It is recommended that you use Business Source Complete for your database search, but, again, it is only a recommendation. Use your scholarly reference(s) to support your analysis of the company and its financial statements. Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length and follow APA guidelines. The CSU librarians can help you with your research for this assignment.

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Explanation & Answer



Financial Statement analysis
Institutional Affiliation



Financial statement analysis
Financial statement analysis enables users of financial statements to gain an
understanding of the financial position of a company by reviewing as well as evaluating
company’s financial statements to enable them make more effective decisions regarding the
company (Subramanyam & Wild,2009). The users (investors, shareholders, managers and other
stakeholders) are able to make informed decisions when presented with analyzed financial
The company of interest for analysis is Pepsico, Inc. based in the United States. The
company is in the consumer goods sector and operates in beverage industry specializing in
manufacturing of soft drinks. The financial analysis of the company will focus on company’s
current ratio, debt ...

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