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Ghost Sickness
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Ghost Sickness
People of Native American ancestry are more likely to suffer from an illness known
as ghost sickness, which has been linked to the experience of seeing ghosts. The Muscogee
(Creek) tribe of the Native Indian community was the prominent tribe that understood and
believed in the illness. One interpretation of the condition is that it is connected to the
experiences of bereavement and loss (Cox 2021). When this occurs, the ghosts appear as
representations of unresolved events involving death that have occurred among individuals.
In this scenario, the death of a person's loved ones or ancestors pushes that person to the
psychological breaking point. However, in certain cultures, the phenomenon is also attributed
to a facet of witchcraft known as "ghost-cursing," in which a person is cursed to see ghosts by
someone who possesses unnatural powers (Cox 2021). However, people with this condition
have a common belief that they are being consumed or occupied by a ghost. Because each
person's experience of seeing ghosts is unique, one of the most prominent symptoms of
people with this condition is a pervasive feeling of dread (Rodriguez 2020). This is because
the phenomenon of seeing ghosts in and of itself generally conveys the concept that things
are strange in the physical sense.
Other symptoms present in the illness include the aspect of recurring nightmares,
losing appetite, suffocation feelings, and general weakness. It is also important to note that
the issue of ghost sickness can be a form of trying to understand loss by holding on to the
presence of a loved one. The disease is not limited to any gender since the loss is experienced...