2 small questions hypotenuse and transformations

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6 S 4 3 2 6 S 72 + 2 3 S The graph above is a transformation of the function 2 Write an equation for the function graphed above 9(2) = Preview syntax error Enter an algebraic expression (more...] Hint: There is a vertical stretch/compression in addition to the shifts. One leg of a right triangle is 11 cm. Let h be the length of the hypotenuse and let p be the perimeter of the triangle. Express h as a function of p. h(p) = Preview 0
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Explanation & Answer

Attached are the solutions to the problems.Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything else I can help you with.

Equation for quadratic:
First let's deal with the vertical and horizontal shifts. The vertex has been moved from (0,0) to (2,-1).
Plug those values into the vertex form of the equation for a parabola.
y= a ( x− 2)2− 1
That equa...

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