Resource: Security and Loss Prevention Management, Ch. 3
Executive leadership of the same resort used in Week 1 has asked you to identify areas of risk, potential loss, and methods that reduce risk.
Select a department within the resort from the following list. This department will be used for the remaining assignments:
- Front desk management: This department manages the front desk function for the hotel properties.
- Housekeeping management: This department manages the housekeeping function for hotel properties.
- Restaurant management: This department manages purchasing, inventory management, employee scheduling, training, and safety for resort restaurants.
- Facilities management: This department maintains facilities, the nightclub, the putting green, and waterpark.
- Recreational services: This department is responsible for managing staffing, administration, and finances associated with all the facilities within the resort.
Analyze the risks the department faces and risk management methods that may be recommended.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper covering the following:
- Determine objectives of the department's risk management program.
- Identify the type of risk and the immediate action needed for each risk
- Analyze and evaluate risks and potential losses associated with them.
- Create a summary of the findings.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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Front Office Risk Management
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There are three major risk management methods namely risk control, risk finance and
risk transfer. These can be further classified into loss retention and risk transfer with loss
retention composing of both risk finance and risk control. Loss retention simply refers to the fact
that the losses incurred will be accrued by the resort or hospitality establishment. Loss transfer
involved risk transfer where a resort can transfer losses acquired to other parties. When risk
control is used, it is meant to reduce the cost of losses that can be acquired by reducing the
frequency and possibilities of these losses happening. Risk finance, on the other hand, refers to
the different methods used to obtain funds that will be used to cover losses acquired. An example
of risk transfer can include covering the resort facilities with insurance before any losses happen
(Mauri, 2013).
Implementing risk management resources is one of the hardest tasks; therefore, it would
be of great importance that a few things are taken into consideration. These resources must be
designed to focus on the business processes; therefore, they must be complementary to effective
risk analysis and be the basis of the risk information analysis methodology of an organization. It
is also important that i...