lean management on transportation in hospital

User Generated


Health Medical


i want 12-15 pages and the topic is about patient transportation in hospital.

1- you should explain patient transportation in hospital?

2- analyze patient transportation in hospital problems?

3- make some solutions for this problem ?

4- explain this solutions and how it can fix the patient transportation ?

5- evaluate the soultions to the problem ?

Those the 5 are the requirement also I want power point slides it should not be so long 8-12 slides is enough.

It has to be 0 plagiarism and simple english language

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Explanation & Answer

Hello!Attached is the final work on your assignment.Reach out if you need any changes or editing.Thank you

Lean Management on
the Hospital
Transportation of
Students Name

Outline of the Presentation

An introduction to lean management

Explanation of the patient transportation in hospitals

An analysis of the patient transportation in hospital problems

Solutions for the problem

An explanation of the solutions and how it can fix the patient

Evaluation of the solutions to the problem

An Introduction to Lean Management

The popularity of the lean production system began around 1990
with its application across all industries.

Involves multiple efforts to minimize wastes and increase quality
of production

The process of management of the aspects of healthcare
determine the success

Wasteful activities in healthcare include overproduction,
inventory processes, motion, transportation, defects, overprocessing, waiting and the under-utilization of healthcare staff.

patient has to be the center of attention while comfort and time
are measures of key performance

Explanation of the patient transportation in

Begins with a clear assessment of the benefits weighed against
the risks.
Reasons for transportation include for procedures, tests and
specialized care that is unavailable at the current location.
If safe and feasible then carry out the procedures and tests in the
bedside to avoid unnecessary movements
Risk of morbidity and mortality increases considerably during the
transportation process .
Patient transportation is by specific and trained individuals


The personnel, the communication process, the required
equipment and the monitoring process.

An analysis of the patient transportation in
hospital problems

Inadequately trained transporters lead to time and resources wastage.

outcome of the patient depends on a lot of the technology and the
expert knowledge available in a facility

in the United States, there are some laws governing patient

The accompanying personnel determines the success of the transport

Accompanying equipment that is suited to the patient to cater for any
emergency cases .


Patient monitoring is an important aspect that is usually

Solutions for the problem

Pretransport communication and coordination

Following of guidelines and signing consent forms

Trained accompanying personnel

Accompanying equipment that suit the needs of the patient

Continuous patient monitoring

An explanation of the solutions and how it
can fix the patient transportation

Proper communication ensures preparedness in handling the
patient and assembling of the transportation services

Provision of the proper personnel during transportation reduces
the likelihood of the morbidity or mortality.

The equipment's and supplies are necessary to avoid any

The monitoring process is a basic medical practice for any
critically-ill patient.

A consent form is an important document to ensure uneventful
transportation process.

Evaluation of the solutions to the problem

The whole process of prior preparedness and communication may
seem hectic, the outcome of the patient is favorable

The accompanying personnel is an important aspect but can be
overlooked if the patient is stable and the length of the procedure
or test is short

It is justifiable to include the necessary equipment during transit
to reduce any inconveniences

To have previous evaluation and stabilization of the patient to the
degree of verifying patient safety during transit

The lean management of patient transportation enables hospitals
to avoid any wastes and inconveniences during the transportation


Communication is the best practice for every team coordination

Adequate preparation reduces time wastage and improves the efficiency of

To reduce morbidity and mortality it is advisable to use trained personnel
during transit.

Proper equipment and adequate monitoring ensures continuity of care
throughout the transportation process.

At he end of the day, lean management ensures the procedure is less wasteful
with creation of value.


Students name
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Course code
Institution of affiliation
Date of submission




Patient transportation in hospitals
Teich & Faddoul (2013) state that, the lean production system is an improvement of the
Toyota Motors Company method of production which developed from around 1918. Lean
methodology became popular in 1990 after it became universal for application across all
industries, including healthcare. The lean approach requires organizations to apply multiple
efforts across several facets of the strategic plan to reduce waste and maximize the outcomes.
Joseph Juan linked the lean production process to the healthcare industry. Many people take
healthcare as unique regarding its operations. However, the difference applies only to aspects of
history, culture, and use of technology. But the success of the organization depends on the
process of management which is similar in all industries. The above reasoning enables easy
application in many areas of healthcare including transportation, personnel management, patient
flow and pharmacy.
The approach involves the reduction of wastes while promoting the creation of value. The
wastes occur across all types of industries(Black,2008). This paper focuses on lean management
in the transportation of patients in hospitals. Some of the wasteful activities in healthcare include
overproduction, inventory processes, motion, transportation, defects, over-processing, waiting
and the under-utilization of healthcare staff. For effective lean implementation in healthcare, the
patient has to be the cente...

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