Rio Salado College Common Sense Media Essay

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Rio Salado College

Question Description

I'm working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Spend a half-hour independently exploring Common Sense Media You might want to look at the site's "about me" or "rationale" pages, or consider a few particular stories you know or have just encountered, and compare the reviews with your own viewpoint. Think about your general impressions of this review site. Exists a need? Do you have any recommendations or warnings? Consider the nine criteria they utilized most closely and why they were chosen. Any criteria you would add or remove? Create a post that shares your opinions about this website, Common Sense Media, and aims to start a discussion about it. At some point, talk about the site's requirements and any other issues you want to bring up related to your finding. As a powerful part of your piece, I'd like you to share a personal story or a little anecdote. Create a post that shares your ideas, views, or thoughts on the website or certain aspects of it while also inviting reader response, keeping flexibility and personal interest in mind. When choosing and planning what to post, think about some questions or how you hope your students will respond to and engage with your post. 

Explanation & Answer:
400 words
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Common Sense Media
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Common Sense Media is a website that gathers consumer reviews of movies, music,
books, magazines, and games. It is often used as the basis for critical media reviews from the
Associated Press, New York Times, or Consumer Reports, to name a few. I have used this
website for many aspects of my education, and I find them very helpful. They provide
information about movies before actually seeing them in theaters, so you are less likely to get
disappointed af...

anorrynznyvx1912 (1041)

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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