Wife of Bath

User Generated



Florida Institute of Technology


There are many parts to this short writing prompt, but that's because there's just so much to talk about when we study the Wife of Bath's story.

The prologue for the Wife of Bath is just as important as her actual tale. Take a close look at her prologue, making certain to address lines that stand out to you as important. Why do you think those lines are important, and what do they reveal about her? What, in the character's words, gives her the authority to tell the type of story she tells? What is her concern in telling her story?

What purpose does the Wife of Bath's prologue fulfill? When you think about it, she actually gets to tell two different stories (the prologue and the tale). Which one is more important to you and why? Why do you think she spends so much time with her prologue? Which other pilgrims take note of her story and interrupt her? Why do they do so?

While this is a question that's purely subjective, I'm interested in which story you liked the best--the Wife of Bath or the Miller's? In answering this question, try to go beyond the matter of taste--what elements of the story stick out as important? What makes the story so effective? And, more importantly, do you think there's a lesson to be learned from your favorite story? If so, what is that lesson?

The page requirement for these assignments will be 2-3 pages. Assignments will need to be double-spaced and in proper MLA format.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Assignment Date
Bath’s Wife Prologue
Part 1: The most important lines
There are a number of pivotal phrases throughout the Wife of Bath's prologue that shed light on
significant facets of her personality. The passage in which she states "Experience, though none authority
/ Were in this world, is right enough for me" is probably the most significant one in the poem (I.449450). This line suggests that the Wife of Bath is the type of woman who, rather than relying on the
authority of others to advise her, she leans on her own personal experiences. This is a significant aspect
of her personality because it enables her to tell her own story rather than one that has been imposed on
her by a higher-up in the organization ...

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