1. Conflict at work is never easy. Sometimes you may not agree with a supervisor, peer, or client. What are some techniques you can use to address conflict? Share an experience where you had to overcome negative emotions because of a conflict at work.
2. It is very important to incorporate diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Speak with your manager or the HR manager regarding the business’s goals and requirements for diversity and inclusion. Share what you learn. What challenges do they face and what the company is doing to address those challenges.
3. Research a current event taking place in your industry. Post a link with a two-to-three-sentence summary. What natural connections can you make between your current event and your career goals? Share your personal thoughts on the article.
4.Many industries are governed by legal or regulatory requirements such as HIPAA for healthcare, FERPA for education, Sarbanes-Oxley for corporations, PCI-DSS for credit card payments, or GLBA for banking. What legal or regulatory requirement(s) must your business adhere to? What are the implications of failing to comply with the required regulations? What policies or procedures does your work have in place to ensure compliance?
5.Technology changes faster than we can keep up. Research some emerging technologies in your career industry. You might look at industry 4.0, IoT, AI, or anything else that could affect your future career. What is one thing that makes you excited about this new technology? How can you set goals to stay up-to-date in a constantly changing environment?
6. 1. Technology changes rapidly and rarely do businesses remain static in their use of technology or systems. What was a recent technology change that took place in your work? If you are unaware, speak with your manager or the IT department to find out what system changes are currently in process or planned for the future. What are some of the biggest challenges they face in implementing new technologies or systems?
7.Showing initiative in the workplace is a prime reason why people receive promotions, get raises, and, in the case of interns, receive offers of full-time employment. Describe 2-3 actions that you have taken in your internship workplace that demonstrated your initiative. Have you offered to do something above and beyond your normal duties? Have you figured out a better way to do a common task? How did your supervisor or coworkers respond to your effort? If you have difficulty identifying ways in which you have shown initiative, you may instead describe the performance of a co-worker or supervisor in your workplace who is a good example of a person who shows initiative and puts forth extra effort. Identify some extra ways you might do your job more efficiently. These suggestions could be tasks that require higher-level skills than your job description requires. ( only this needs 400-500 words)
8.Identify 3-4 key things that you have learned in your main course(s) over the past semester that you have applied in your work. What skills do you feel you want to grow in your journey at Westcliff? These can be technical skills, business, or personal skills. What steps can you take to help you achieve this?

Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.
Computer Science
Course Title:
October 17th, 2022
Question One
Just like any other place the workplace is no exception to conflicts. Notably, conflicts are
typically perceived as more than just disagreements. If either party notices a threat, there is
bound to be an issue arising from the same. Therefore, conflict refers to a situation that brings
forth feelings of frustration, unhappiness, stress, depression, anger, and also irritation. It can also
be a battle one is having with themselves. The main aim of this discussion question is to identify
the best strategies to use when managing conflict in an organization (Lewin 2016).
Some methods for resolving conflicts include the following:
1. The first method is to ensure that one is maintaining an open dialogue. This is achieved
by being in a position to express one’s concerns sincerely and expressing one’s concern
in a way that is reasonable and composed. This will go a long way in ensuring that the
aggrieved parties can reach a common ground and reach a comprise that they can both
live with.
2. The second method is mediation: if the issue at hand is very serious, there is a need to
consider mediation. This is achieved by a third party that will help the two parties reach
an agreement during mediation.
3. The third method is avoidance: A times it is important if possible it is important that one
avoids the individual or situation at hand.
An experience I can think of is one of my co-workers argued tasks assigned to us. I talked to
them calmly and rationally about their concerns. Therefore, we agreed that we needed to set
up some boundaries so that I was in a position to gain more autonomy. However, we agreed
that I should always keep them updated on my progress as this was the best compromise we
would come up with.
It is important to understand the fact that various strategies can be employed to resolve the
conflicts that are found in the workplace. One good example is having open communication
which entails having open and candid conversations about our feelings and wishes while
listening to the other party. Additionally, problem-solving attempts to also come up with conflict
resolutions while at the same time cooperating with the aggressors(Overton & Lowry, 2013).
Question Two
It is important that all business organizations that can understand more about the existence of
diversity and inclusion and the benefits that can be obtained as a result of being able to
incorporate inclusion in their organizations. Therefore, organizations need to have in place
practices that support diversity and inclusion. Additionally, it is also important to acknowledge
the fact that several factors lead people to have unique characteristics all over the world. This is
what makes communities distinct. It is also important to note that an organization should be in a
position to identify people who can be in a position to communicate effectively with the group
that is in question so that they can diversify and meet the overall goals and objectives of the
organization. Additionally, diversity inclusion entails not only having people with diverse
characteristics in the organization but also respecting their differences and unique abilities. This
means that all departments should be at the forefront in ensuring that there is proper teamwork
and communication. Some of the challenges encountered have different people in the
organization being receptive to gender, et...