West Coast University Disaster Plan Discussion Paper

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a. How would you prepare for the following situation? (provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival)

(Scenario) At this moment, you are sitting at home working on your WCU class. Suddenly, the National Weather Bureau sends an alert across your cell phone—a tornado is headed your way. You have 15 minutes before touchdown in your neighborhood.What is your plan? This is a 'shelter in place' scenario, you cannot outrun the tornado. Identify a safe place in your home to take shelter.

You must include research. Cite and reference two sources and explain the recommended safety measures in a tornado emergency and how you would apply them to your specific living arrangements. 

b. How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe your level of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references to your "go-bag" and preparedness checklist assignments.  

Example: “I am more prepared for a water-related disaster than a fire-related disaster even though I live in a highly secluded, forested area. I have a boat as transportation in the event of flooding, but I do not have rain barrels or fire barrier supplies on hand.”

Example:  "There were many missing items on my preparedness checklist. I realized that I do not own a flashlight. If I had to use my phone as a light it would drain the battery very quickly.  

c. Reflect on how prepared you were before this class and compare it with how prepared you are now. 

Have you acquired any new emergency items?

Do you plan to take any additional trainings or certification courses?

Have you shared your knowledge with friends and family? 

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Disaster Planning


Disaster Planning
Disasters are inevitable and usually occur when they are least expected. The United
States has, over the years, experienced several human-made and natural disasters that have left
massive devastations in their wake and countless lives lost. Although disasters are inevitable, it is
noted that with proper preparation, some of the effects can be significantly reduced. The purpose
of this paper is to explore and highlight different ways individuals can prepare for disasters.
Part A
When the National Weather Bureau sends a tornado alert to citizens via their cell phones,
it is vital to start immediate safety preparations. Although 15 minutes may seem like a very short
time to prepare for the tornado, my actions during this period could mean the difference between
being safe ...

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