Nonprofit Organization

User Generated


Business Finance

New York University


Interview the CEO of a nonprofit organization and ask the following questions:

a. How did you become involved with this organization? (Or, if the leader also founded the organization: Why did you start this organization? How has it grown or changed over time?)

b. Can you tell me about the work your organization does and the program or programs you run? [As a follow up, what differentiates you from other organizations?] (Here you are trying to get at how the organization is unique while confirming your impression of what causes or people it serves, what programs it offers, and how it gets results.) What do you think your constituents or beneficiaries would say is the best thing about your organization?

c. What results does your organization achieve? How has your program improved over time? 

d. What are your goals for the next three to five years? What priorities will help you achieve them? What barriers are in your way?

e. What proportion of your revenue for next year will come from similar sources to this year’s revenue? Do you have plans to increase this consistency over time? (Here you are trying to get a sense of how stable/unstable their revenue picture is, and how dependent it is on a few decision-makers.)

f. Where is your leadership team strong, and where does it need development?

g. What is the hardest decision the organization has had to make recently, and how did you evaluate the tradeoffs involved?

h. What do you, personally, spend most of your time on?

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Interview with Americares CEO, Christine Squires

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Interview with Americares CEO, Christine Squires
a. How did you become involved with this organization? (Or, if the leader also founded
the organization: Why did you start this organization? How has it grown or changed
over time?)
Christine Squires, the Americares CEO, joined Americares in 2016. Squires oversaw the
worldwide development and strategic planning initiatives of Physicians for Human Rights before
joining Americares in 2016. Squires also spent ten years at the United States Fund for UNICEF
and led their growth and fundraising efforts. Squires has been active in the nonprofit sector for
over 20 years and has held several executive positions. She was Americares' executive vice
president and chief development officer, leading strategic initiatives across the business and
overseeing corporate, foundation, and individual contributions, before being promoted to
president and CEO in 2020.
b. Can you tell me about the work your organization does and the program or programs
you run? [As a follow-up, what differentiates you from other organizations?] (Here, you
are trying to get at how the organization is unique while confirming your impression of
what causes or people it serves, what programs it offers, and how it gets ...

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