phc313 week6

User Generated


Health Medical

PHC 313

Saudi electronic university



Describe  health promotion activities for people with disabilities in KSA

Explanation & Answer:
700 Words
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Explanation & Answer

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Health Promotion Activities for People with Disabilities in KSA
Thesis statement: The kingdom provides people with disabilities with facilities that would
help them be physically active, travel and move around, and have specialized institutions that
allow them to be part of the public education system.

One of the ways to promote activities for people with disabilities is to have them in
institutions like schools.
a. . Schools give these people a chance to be involved in activities such as drama,
music, and even academic activities.
b. Students who live with a disability are protected by the policies that are in
place by the government, and the education systems are fully integrated,
allowing all students have an opportunity to take part in activities.


People with disabilities generally have fewer healthy days as compared to the general
a. As such, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has tasked itself with ensuring that they
encourage people with disabilities to health-promoting behaviors to prevent
the possibility of secondary conditions
b. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made it a priority to encourage people
living with disabilities to take part in activities that promote their health.


Low education among individuals with disabilities might make them fail to realize the
importance of physical activity practices, which would promote better health.
a. There are people with different types of disabilities, and they should be treated
in accordance with their condition.

b. There are different approaches to encouraging individuals to take part in
physical a...

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