Computer Science Question

User Generated


Computer Science

University of cumberlands

Question Description

I'm working on a computer science discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Give examples of systems in which it may make sense to use traditional file processing instead of a database approach. 

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer

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Computer Science Discussion

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Computer Science Discussion
With the focus of organizations in contemporary society being increasing efficiency in
data access and management while still optimizing its security and privacy, there are instances
when database management systems (DMS) fail to be the appropriate means of information
management. This is in spite of DMS having numerous advantages over the at times preferred
traditional file processing system, for instance, the ability to provide persistent program storages,
unlike the traditional file systems, which often suffer impeccable mismatch problems and
extreme difficulties in data access. However, the major advantage of the traditional file system is
that it makes it easy to organize and locate files without the need for data processing.
Small internal utilities are best suited to l...

Tvyzber (40152)
Duke University

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