Writing Question

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Norfolk State University



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Instructional Protocol For Black Lives Matter Assignment For this Assignment, student was granted permission to do extensive research on an individual who lives was significant impacted during the Black Lives Matter Era. (Please note that to complete this assignment, the selected individual to research must first be approved and granted by the Instructor of the class). This Assignment has three parts, and each section is required to be typed in a research paper format. You may use bold subheadings as you respond to each of the questions in Part 1, 2, and 3. I am requesting that students elaborated to the fullest in each of the questions. Do not forget to do a Reference Sheet which should be on a page of its own in the Assignment. Part 1- Selected Black Lives Matter Individual of Interest (50 Points) • Provide the name of your selected individual that you were granted to research for this assignment. Provide a brief bio of your selected individual of interest. (Background Information) Describe the situation or violence that was encountered or experienced by your selected individual of interest Discuss the reactions of the society concerning the situation or violence. Also include your reactions as well in this area. What do you think could have been done different in your selected individual of interest situation? Justify your response. Discuss what inspired you to select this individual of interest to research in this assignment.5 Part 11- Black Lives Matter Additional Questions (40 Points) Discuss how faith-based organizations and initiatives can assist in Black Lives Matter Events Discuss a practice recommendation or recommendations for creating a more loving resilient with all people to help strengthen work to improve justice for everyone. What or who do you feel is standing in the way? Do you feel that racism still exist in our society today? Why or why not? What is your perspective on "All Lives Matter vs. Black Lives Matter?" Part 111- Self Reflection Question (10 Points) After completion of this Assignment, share and elaborate on the following statements as it relates to Black Lives Matter. What do I feel? What do I believe? What do I know? What do I do? This Assignment will be due by Thursday, October 20, 2022, by 11:00pm. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this assignment. Special Notes: 1. Please make sure that you do a Reference Sheet using APA Format 2. Make sure that you submit this assignment on time via blackboard 3. Make sure that you follow and adhere to all protocols for this assignment. Grading will be determined by: 1. General organization and adherence to APA including neatness and spelling 2. Fulfillment of overall requirements of the assignment 3. Development of contents (Quality)
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Black Lives Matter Era: Laquan McDonald




Black Lives Matter Era: Laquan McDonald
Within this paper, the focus is being placed on the determination of a specific individual that was
integral to Black Lives Matter. Therefore, in this case, the relevant person of focus is Laquan
McDonald, a 17-year-old African American boy whom police officers shot. Thus, in this case,
the issue being portrayed is the fact that there is police violence against the black community,
which is an indication of the prevalent racism that is in the United States. Therefore, this threepart essay addresses the victim of police violence, black lives matter, and a personal reflection.
Laquan McDonald
In this case, the relevant person is Laquan McDonald. McDonald's murder caused
massive concern among the public, especially considering that he was an African American 17year-old boy (Husain, 2019). After his grandmother passed away, McDonald split his time
between living with his mother and his uncle (Husain, 2019). When he was young, he was given
the nickname "Bon Bon" due to his excessive weight. McDonald's mental health issues and
learning disabilities led to 26 arrests and time spent in juvenile detention (Husain, 2019).
Autopsy toxicology results from Cook County showed that the teen regularly used marijuana and
had PCP in his system (Husain, 2019). In this case, the county sought to allude that the drugs
could have contributed to the violent behavior, but this notion was refuted.
Within the context of the details of the incident, Jason Van Dyke, a 13-year veteran of the
Chicago Police Department, shot Laquan McDonald 16 times on October 20, 2014, claiming he
feared for his life. On October 20, 2014, police in Chicago responded to a call about vehicle/
truck break-ins (Arthur & Asher, 2016). Around 9:45 p.m., police arrived and attempted to
control McDonald by surrounding him with their vehicles. They say he used a knife about three
inches long to scrape the glass and cut one of the tires. A short time later, Van Dyke arrived and



opened fire on the teenager (Arthur & Asher, 2016). McDonald was shot 16 times (front and
back), but initially, police reported he had only been hit once in the chest, which the police
claimed was self-defense. Nonetheless, the court ordered the release of the video footage;
prosecutors claimed it proved otherwise, showing that Van Dyke had exaggerated the threat
posed by McDonald and was not justified in shooting him.
In this case, the societal reaction was that there were protesters who marched through the
streets of Chicago, chanting "16 shots" and demanding justice for Laquan McDonald (Husain,
2019). Thus, demonstrating the significant distraught that people were experiencing from the
incident mainly because the incident entailed a minor. Thus, considering the public's adverse
reaction to the shooting of Laquan McDonald, justice was needed. In this case, the city of
Chicago set...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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