Memorial University Convincing Boomer Parents to Take Coronavirus Seriously Summary

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In 1000 words (give or take), write an expository essay that tackles one of the following questions. Don’t use external sources from the library to back up you but rather evidence from your primary source material (the article you’re writing about) to back up your thesis.

In the New Yorker Article “Convincing Boomer Parents to Take Coronavirus Seriously”, author Michael Schulman discusses the underlying ideologies that the boomer generation may have had that perpetuated their frustrating lack of concern towards the pandemic. What sort of evidence does he use to back up this statement and is it convincing or not? In a 5-paragraph essay with a clearly outlined thesis statement, and using examples from the text, discuss. 

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1000 words
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Article Review
Convincing Boomer Parents to Take Coronavirus Seriously by
Michael Schulman
It is very obvious from the article written by Michael Schulman that the boomer
generation's parents do not take the influenza epidemic caused by Covid-19 seriously. According
to Michael's account in his piece about his parents, members of the baby boomer generation may
have had something that contributed to their irritating lack of care for the epidemic. Michael
Schulman, a character from The New Yorker, was forced to face the fact that his mother would
meet friends at a bar in Manhattan. That indicates that, despite her age, she did not take the
pandemic seriously (Schulman, 2020). Because of their advanced age and preexisting medical
issues, Baby Boomer parents are among those in the greatest danger during the coronavirus
Schulman's mother told him that she and Schulman's father were in a cab with another
couple who were longtime friends on the way home from a delightful supper at the Polo Bar in
midtown Manhattan; despite them knowing about the pandemic, he was horrified. The other
couple was also aware of the pandemic. It was revealed to S...

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