Answering a question in an essay form

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Hey goerge, I've attached a word document containing the instructions for this essay. I also attached the only source you'll be using for this essay.the professor was very strict on that point.

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For this assignment, you will write a 750 word essay that answers one of the questions listed below. it will need an appropriate introduction, a clear thesis statement that provides the reader with a roadmap for the rest of your essay, suitable topic sentences, body paragraphs that use specific examples from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl as evidence in support of your thesis, and a conclusion that restates the essay’s main points. This paper must be double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins and 12 pt. font—Times New Roman. Essays will address one of the following questions: What was more significant in shaping Harriet Jacob’s experiences: her race or her gender? OR… As a slave and as a runaway, did Harriet Jacobs suffer more from physical or psychological abuse? Citations: Please use in-text citations to document the sources used within your essays, unless the material cited is considered general knowledge. And, because each of the paper assignments in this class only require one book (Thinking Through the Past for paper 1 and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl for paper 2), students can simply place the page number in parentheses at the end of sentences that cite specific quotations and/or evidence. Examples: Abigail Adams urged her husband to "Remember the Ladies" as he and the other founding fathers set about creating a new nation (79). Harriet Jacobs argued, “Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own” (86).
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Explanation & Answer

here is the paper

Surname: 1
Student’s Name
As a slave and as a runaway, did Harriet Jacobs suffer more from physical or psychological
Born a slave, Harriet Jacobs went a lot of suffering just as any other slave would. Her
story documents all her life as a slave and all the things she had to endure. Losing her mother at
the age of six and being handed over from one dwelling to another must have been a dramatic
experience. In addition, she still suffered at the hands of her masters all through her life. Running
away meant that she had to look over her shoulder throughout her life. Harriet Jacobs
experienced more of psychological suffering than physical violence, something that this project
shows by trying to compare both her physical and psychological suffering as a slave and a
Harriet, just like any other slave, was subjected to physical harm, however, not as much
as the other slaves were. As a young slave, she lived with her mother’s mistress. She was happy
here: she did not do hard work as other slaves did. She was more of a child to ...

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