Writing paper

User Generated




Answer the following in a thoughtful 1-to-2 page response:

  • Consider the point from the final scene of All the President's Men:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMVz5C38yi0that shows the publisher's remarks to journalists. What did he mean when he told them so much was "riding" on their story?
  • How do journalists affect the role of media in our society?
  • What effects, if any, do social media have on the function of journalism?
  • Do you consider the emergence of citizen journalists using social media a positive or negative outcome of our modern age?
  • How might these changes affect the role of journalists, particularly newspaper journalists, in the reporting of information?

It may be helpful to review these two resources that further describe All the President's Men
This link describes the work of Woodward and Bernstein from a journalist's point of view:

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Explanation & Answer


Writing Paper – Outline
Thesis statement- answering the questions below

What the publisher meant when he told the journalists that so much was "riding" on their


How the journalists affect the role of media in our society.


What effects, if any, do social media have on the function of journalism?


Do you consider the emergence of citizen journalists using social media a positive or
negative outcome of our modern age?


How might these changes affect the role of journalists, particularly newspaper journalists,
in the reporting of information?

Running head: WRITING PAPER


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