special education law support immigrant students

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write two pages about how these laws support immigrant students

ESSA (Title I)
FAPE free appropriate public education

IDEA Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

IEP —individualized education program

IFSP — individualized family service plan

LRE — least restrictive environment

section 504 rehabilitation act
APA style add references
you can you IDEA 2004 web as references for some of them
reference should be in paper snd page reference

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Laws Supporting Immigrant Students
Immigrants have always been welcome in the classrooms of United States with more than
840000 students according to recent data. The Children’s education is not affected by their
parents’ actual origin, citizenship. Inclusive of children who arrive without the company of
parents and those whose parents are undertaking the immigration hearings and in the meantime
they live with a relative or an adult guardian. The law provides that the Department of Health
and Human Services to uptake the care of all the children apprehended without the company of
their parents and taken into the federal custody. Even though they are not enrolled in schools,
they receive education services from the HHS. While in the federal custody the assessment of a
child is done and those identified to suffering from any disability they are taken into the
individuals with disabilities program where the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act takes
care of them. Later the children are released to a caretaker/ sponsor.
The individual with D...

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