Research and Development at Thomas Company

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Business Finance


The Thomas Company is in the process of developing a revolutionary new product. A new division of the company was formed to develop, manufacture, and market this product. As of the end of the year December 31, 2010, the product has not been manufactured for resale; however, the prototype unit was built and is in operation. Throughout 2010, the division incurred certain costs including design and engineering studies, prototype manufacturing costs, administration expenses (including salaries of administrative personnel), and market research costs. In addition, $500,000 in equipment (estimated useful life of 10 years) was purchased for use in developing and manufacturing the preproduction prototype and will be used to manufacture the product. Approximately $200,000 of this equipment was built specifically for the design and development of the product; the remaining $300,000 of equipment will be used to manufacture a product once it is in commercial production.

Required: In the U.S. (SFAS No. 2), development costs are expensed but under the IFRS (IAS 38), many development costs are capitalized. Judge and support which treatment adheres best to the matching principle, basic to the conceptual frameworks of both U.S. GAAP and IFRS.

Your well-written paper must be 2-3 pages, in addition to title and reference pages. The paper should be formatted according to APA REQUIREMENTS Cite at least two peer-reviewed sources, in addition to the required reading for the module.

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Explanation & Answer



Research and development at Thomas company





Research and development costs can be categorized as research costs and development costs.
Research costs are costs related to the original and planned investigation with the aim of
acquiring a new knowledge and understanding. Development costs are costs incurred in the
application of design for the production of new or improving materials.

Matching principle

Matching principle is one of the rules governing accounting. The principle requires that a
company should report expenses and the related revenues in the same period in the income
statements. Thus, if there is a relationship between the expenses and income they should be

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