Hi bro
I want you to write lab report and answer for all the questions which will be down in files and this all info about my lab and it has also the lab data
Please bro do yr best in the report and make sure for all work
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Investigate the phase relationship between the voltage across the resistor VR and the voltage across
the capacitor VC in an RC circuit, Determine the value of the capacitance of a capacitor in an RC
circuit were objectives of this lab. And Investigate the phase relationships among the voltages
across the resistor, the capacitor, and the inductor in an LCR circuit.
RC Circuit
In an RC circuit the current I is the same in each element of the circuit, and the relationships
between the voltage and the current for the resistor and capacitor are
VR = IR and
Vc = I ( )
The quantity
is called the capacitive reactance, and it has units of ohms. If the current is
eliminated between the two equations an equation for C is given by
1 VR
C=( )
ωR Vc
Thus, a value for the capacitance of an unknown capacitor can be determined 𝜔 and R are known
and VR and VC are measured.
LCR Circuit
Considering a series LCR circuit with a generator of voltage V, a resistor R, a capacitor C, and an
inductor having inductance L and resistance r.
The current I is the same in each element of the circuit, and VL and Vr can be expressed as the
quantity 𝜔L is called the inductive reactance. It has units of ohms.
VL = IωL amd Vr = Ir
If Equations are combined, and the current I is eliminated, it can be shown that,
VL = Vind
√ωL2 + r 2
𝑎𝑛𝑑 Vr = Vind
√ωL2 + r 2
Assuming that 𝜔, L, and rare known, Equations can be used to determine VL and Vr if Vind is
measured. These values of VL and Vr combined with measured values of VR and VC can be used
to verify the relationship between these quantities and the measured generator voltage V.