Highway Materials Civil Engineering

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3. (20 points) An asphalt mixture has the binder content of 5.6%. The maximum theoretical specific gravity of the mixture (Gmm) is 2.498. The specific gravity of asphalt, Go=1.03. One technician in your lab would like to prepare one specimen used for the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test. The dimension of this cylindrical specimen is controlled to be 15 cm in diameter and 6.3 cm in height. The percent air voids in the laboratory-compacted specimen shall be 7% for the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test. Please calculate the weight of aggregate and weight of asphalt binder used to prepare this specimen. "5 (UCB) Test (C) Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (d) Texas Overlay Test Answer: 2) (10 points) Compaction of the HMA is very important in the construction of a durable pavement. The new WSDOT construction manual (2016) specifies that the asphalt mixture shall be compacted to a minimum density of 91 percent of the theoretic maximum density. From the point of view of the percent air voids, please discuss the reasons of this requirement.
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