Data Security Methods

User Generated


Computer Science


All organizations place a high value on data security.

Explain how each of the following protect data, describe industry best practices for each, and provide an example from your own experience or the readings to support this information:

  • File permissions
  • User privileges and permissions
  • Firewalls
  • Virus software
  • Security patches

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Explanation & Answer


Data security
Enterprises always needed to protect their data. Not only governments, diplomats, and spies are
the end users of cryptography and ciphers. Protecting the data and preventing our competitors to
access the knowledge of our business secrets is one of the most important goals of any firm.
Data security can have different approaches and use a wide range of devices, protocols, and
software. By definition, Data Security englobes all the practices used in protecting stored data
from unauthorized access, use, modification, destruction, or deletion. The protection comes from
the level of Information security and the protection of the storages, knowledg...

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