Marketing Question

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California National University for Advanced Studies


Open their SWOT file and save it to your computer. Then fill in the yellow boxes with appropriate strategies, taking time to include the numbering that indicates which specific elements of the SWOT are addressed by each strategy. Your posting should include ideas for each of the following four strategies: SO (Strengths/Opportunities), WO (Weaknesses/Opportunities), ST (Strengths/Threats), WT (Weaknesses/Threats). The explanations on page 11 in the assigned article should be very helpful as you complete this part of the assignment. When you are done, your completed TOWS should look very similar to the examples on page 14 and 16 of the assigned articles. Be sure to label the TOWS ideas like the example.   

Also can you please reply to this discussion with 200 words or less. And a written discussion for the one that you are working on.Thank you for your discussion post! It is very well written and descriptive in relation to Amazond SWOT Analysis. Amazon is one of the top contenders when it comes to online product purchases. It is amazing on how far they have come to what they were a decade ago. I remember Amazon just being an online book store when I was in elementary school. I agree on all of your SWOT analyzation of Amazon. One of Amazon's weakness today can be the severe impact of a cyber hack, therefore hiring a top IT organization to secure their webspace is necessary. Amazon's strength is definitely a strong market in todays society, thus everyone rely on Amazon 24/7. The opportunity to have strong connections with related and other organization proves to exist in Amazon's business presence. Alot of third party sellers connect with Amazon online in order to market their own products, which I find very smart to do. A threat would for Amazon would definitely be imitation at its finest. Though imitation is a form of flattery, Amazon should analyze their competition in order to stay aware of increasing their product and service quality. Thanks again for your post.

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Internal Factors External Factors Strengths: 1.Full-Service Partnership 2. Variety of Mental Health Services 3.Collaborate with outside agencies 4.Medication support 5.Experienced employees 6.Crisis Stabilization Opportunities: 1.Demand for mental health services 2.Employee experience 3.Long-term contracts with counties 4.Job opportunities 5.Community Outreach 6.Networking with outside agencies SO Strategies: 1.Designate staff to start community outreach programs (S1, S3, S5, O2, O4, O5, O6) 2.Connect clients with community through work programs (S3, S6, O4, O6) 3.Provide arts and crafts programs run by volunteers from community (S5, O5, O6) Threats: 1.Stigma on mental health 2.Availability of program funds 3.Politics 4.Drugs & Alcohol 5.Employee Turnover Rate 6.Increase crime rate ST Strategies: 1.Find ways to get more funding (S3, T2) 2.Provide safe place and include relatives in program (S1, S2, S6, T1) 3.Have weekly farmers market or fundraiser where clients can sell arts and crafts (S1, T2) Weaknesses: 1.Communication amongst employees 2.Lack of upper management support 3.Individual time Management 4.Employee burnout 5.Micromanaging 6.Outside factors interrupting client’s wellness & recovery WO Strategies: 1.Impliment team building exercises for staff (W1, W2, W4, O2) 2.Collaborate with community outreaches and outside agencies to encourage client’s recovery through friendships (W6, O5, O6) 3.Bring in outside agencies for training (W3, O4, O6) WT Strategies: 1.Offer more benefits to employees (W4, T5) 2. Keep clients longer to prevent crime and outside factors interrupting recovery (W6, T2, T6)
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200 words discussion response
SWOT TOWS Template
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I am very honored that you appreciated my SWOT analysis for Amazon. You notice how
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that you agreed with my SWOT analysis of Amazon. The details are on point, you noticed one of
Amazon's shortcomings today which can be the serious effect of a digital hack, thus employing a
top IT association to get its web space is vital. Amazon's solidarity is most certainly an area of
strength in the present society, consequently, every...

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