Critical Thinking and Non Critical Thinking Discussion

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I'm working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Consider the evolution of critical thinking. Given its origins and nature, is it valid to describe all thinking as critical thinking? If so, should this stance be adopted? Why? If not, what differentiates between critical and non-critical thinking? Explain

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Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking
The origins of critical thinking can be traced to the work of Socrates. Notably, Socrates
developed a method of posing probing questions to determine if individuals could connect
different claims to knowledge. When there was inadequate evidence, confused meaning, and
self-contradiction, an individual’s assertions were considered empty rhetoric. Given that, all
thinking cannot be classified as critical thinking. That is because there are instances an
individual’s thinking is not guided by evidence (Zappia, 2018). Therefore, such t...

Xvfuarjg2017 (50544)
University of Virginia

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